Part 14

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Rhaenyra refused to turn in bed to acknowledge her husband. She refused to show any interest as he began to prepare for his day. Her eyes simply stared at the edge of the tent's wall, where the sun leaked through. Her focus would intensify at the noises he made while quickly tying his armor or his occasional cuss in frustration. Rhaenyra closed her eyes as Robb wished Domeric a happy name-day, waking their son as he did. She followed the sounds of his steps as he left the tent. 

She smiled as she finally turned, facing her children. Carefully, she lifted Henry to her chest happy to see his content face. Rhaenyra reached to cress Domeric's curls to wake him for the day. He sighed and further nestled himself into the sheets. "Beautiful boy, wake up," she sang as her fingers brushed through his hair. "It's your name day." Her son quickly turned, folding his arms to support his head. Domeric mischievously glanced up to her with a smile across his cheeks. 

Rhaenyra stood from the bed, Henry in her arms. She beckoned for Domeric to follow with her palm out for him to grab. He eagerly took it and lead her to their small sitting area. Before the two horrid chairs laid multiple parcels, each delicately held together with a simple silver sigil of the house that gifted them. Rhaenyra sat in the unstable chair she despised so much, Domeric leaned against her legs on the patchy grass and dirt. 

"Silver chains. House Umber," she said as Domeric curiously lifted a gift wrapped in chains. He giggled before sliding them off. It was a simple twist top, Rhaenyra knew he would be tired of it within hours. The sound of their tent opening hardly drew their attention. Rhaenrya only lifted her head as bowls of broth were placed on the squeaky table beside her. "Good morning, Bella." 

"Bella!" Screamed Domeric, he hardly turned as he continued to open his gifts. 

Rhaenyra smiled to her maid as she took another bowl from her grasp. "Come sit with us," the maid sat beside Domeric, placing her tray on the vacant wicker chair to her side. Rhaenyra sighed as Henry began to shift against her chest. She rubbed her hand against his back to soothe him. 

Domeric continued to eagerly unwrap his gifts, he would throw clothes to Bella and leave his toys in arms reach. He beamed with each new gift and would sadly look up to his mother at the tunics she and Catelyn had sown. He did not mind the hastily carved toys, it was clear soldiers carved them out of leftover firewood. The tunics were made new, out of Robb's. Domeric was happy either way, which warmed his mother's heart. 

Rhaenyra would simply laugh at his false anger of the clothes and encourage him to open more. It had seemed every sworn bannerman had sent a gift to their young Prince. "Look," she leaned forward as Domeric turned in his spot on the floor. His blue eyes brightened as he held a wooden sigil of House Bolton. Rhaenyra attempted to return his enthusiasm. "Is it from grandfather?" 

"Most likely," she smiled. She stiffened in her seat, her hands tightened Henry's waist as she reached for his breakfast. Slowly, she offered him softened apples whish he would slowly examine before sloppily eating. "Bella," she gestured to the broth that remained on the table. The girl quickly stood to pass it to Domeric. "Thank you. Now eat your breakfast and we will go on to have a great adventure today." 

"Your grace," Bella questioned. Rhaenyra nodded, "May the Prince open my gift?" 

Rhaenyra shifted in her seat, surprised at her remark. "Of course, but after he must eat." Her eyes playfully widened as she looked to her son. Domeric smiled before searching through the few gifts that remained. Bella pointed to an unwrapped book, that had a clasp with a small river engraved. "What a fine book. What does it entail?"

"It tells the story of King Robert." Rhaenyra's actions paused slightly, her distaste for the fat king showing. 

"And you're from the Riverlands?" 

"Yes your grace." Bella looked to the floor before continuing. "My mother named me after the Battle of the Bells. She worked at the Peach." Rhaenyra blushed slightly at the mention of the famous brothel. 

She giggled, "I apologize. For my humor, it is not the mention of the Peach but my own embarrassment. I wish to learn more about your life before the war when we are both free." Rhaenyra hid her smile behind her hand that grasped a small piece of apple, Henry pulled at her wrist to bring it towards him. Rhaenyra continued to feed Henry as Bella began to read from the dreaded King Robert book. Domeric appeared interested in the story, sipping at his broth and intently watching the maid's expressions.  He attempted to slowly finish his breakfast to enjoy the story, his mother took notice. "No more about the usurper. Let us get ready for the day." 

Rhaenyra stood with Henry in her arms, she gestured toward Bella to follow. The two began to dress the princes for the day, Domeric insisting on wearing his new tunic. Rhaenyra laughed as Bella attempted to flatten his hair. "Are you enjoying today?" He nodded, his abrun curls bouncing. "This is just the start. We will have a feast with the high lords and you and I will do whatever you wish." 


"He is," Rhaenyra paused as Domeric continued to push the maid's hand away. He scowled at her before moving to his mother who attempted to dress his wiggly brother. "He is planning everything we need for today." The lie slid off her tongue too well. 

Domeric smiled and turned back to Bella. He watched her pick an outfit for his mother, "Why is my name day so far from my birthday?"

 Rhaenyra laughed, "Because we needed to plan your celebration."


Bella laughed, dresses and coats in her arms. "The little prince has so many questions."

Rhaenyra nodded and answered her son, "Because you are the heir to the north my beautiful boy." Domeric's face twisted in confusion. 

"I wish I remembered it."

"It must have been, my prince. All the men of my homelands spoke of it. Even your Uncle Edmure." Rhaenyra cringed at the thought of Edmure Tully, his clumsy person, and anxiousness grossly reminded her of his drunkness at the feast. She giggled at the thought of him, the Floppy Fish melody ringing through her mind. 

"Oh the thought of Edmure being at the Peach really turns your stomach doesn't it," the two women laughed as Domeric looked between the two. Rhaenyra sat Henry up beside her at the sound of the tent opening. Her heart quickened at the thought of Robb returning, but her spirts broke as the footsteps became clear. "Cat!" 

"Grandmother!" Domeric screamed and ran passed the modesty curtain. Rhaenyra heard her good mother enthusiastically greet him. The two entered the mock bedroom. "Have you brought me gifts?" 

"Of course! Books, toys, and clothes all for you." 

Rhaenyra smiled at their interaction, "Bella take my sons to the creek. Read to them, please. Lady Stark will dress me." The maid laid her clothes on the bed before lifting Henry from her embrace, she grabbed Domeric's hand before leaving the sleeping quarters. Rhaenyra turned to her good mother, "I simply wish to have a few moments alone with you." 

Catelyn smirked, "Brienne is waiting. I was going to ask for your permission to invite her in, but if you-" 

Rhaenyra interrupted, "No invite her in." 

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