Chapter 26

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November 9th

Oak Springs Farm


Jack felt something tugging at him. He opened his eyes, and Jackie was leaning over him. "Jack!" Jackie's voice sounded faint. He was half asleep but as his brain wakened, her voice got louder. "Jack!" Jackie shouted. "What?!" Jack asked sitting up, stunned. "Have they counted the votes? Has Goldwater won? What's happening?!" Jack was confused. 

Jackie put her hands on his shoulders. "Calm down" she assured him. She took his hand and led him downstairs. "Jack you need to come downstairs, we're all down here apart from the kids" Jackie led him into the living room. Everyone sat huddled in front of the TV. Jack and Jackie squeezed into the middle of the sofa. 

They had deliberately moved it to watch the coverage before returning it, to it's usual spot afterwards. 

Cronkite was reporting the coverage. 

"And we shall be expecting the results of the 1964 Presidential election any minute now" Cronkite announced. Bobby patted his brother. "Any minute now!" He whispered. "That feels like a lifetime" Jack joked. Everyone quietly laughed. And that it did. In the five minutes from Jack's arrival to the announcement; Cronkite kept repeating his words. 

How the election results were pouring in and how tight it will be. Then Cronkite broke the first part of the news. "And it has just been confirmed that President Kennedy has won 44 states and Senator Goldwater taking only 6". 

Everyone in the room laughed. "Six? That's pathetic!" Teddy scoffed. "Who nominated him?" Ethel added. They all laughed until they reminded themselves of the last election. Nixon won more states but he still lost. So they couldn't get their hopes up. However they still did. A number like that would secure the victory for sure!

Cronkite then came on the news. A map of the US mainland and showing Alaska and Hawaii came up on the screen behind him. "And I am proud to announce the confirmation of President Kennedy's victory in this election". Everyone in the room jumped for joy and hugged each other. "Wait!" Jackie stopped them. 

"The President won 43 million votes with Senator Goldwater winning just over 27 million" Cronkite announced. "Okay now we celebrate!" Jackie laughed before embracing her relatives. "Oh Jack!" Jackie cried. The room fell silent when Jackie's cry echoed above everyone elses. Jack swept her off of her feet as she kissed him full on the mouth. 

Everyone watched on as the First Couple celebrated their victory. After seperating, their hearts melted as Jack whispered to his wife: "I couldn't have done it without you". After a family moment, the Kennedys had a toast. Everyone dunked a glass of champagne while Jackie was stuck with some flavoured water. 

"I'd say to 4 more years" Jack smiled as he raised his glass. Their glasses clinked before they took a sip. Jackie looked at her husband. "I'm so proud of you" Jackie grinned gingerly. "I couldn't be happier" Jack smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist. Jackie agreed. "Thank you Jack. For everything" Jackie smiled. 

"You're welcome my love" Jack beamed. "You're welcome". 

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