1. My Omega

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Aiden Parker

He was the desire of many and the main lead of many wet dreams among the pack, school, town and even areas outside of town. 
It wasn't just werewolves that wanted the beautiful omega but even creatures such as vampires, witches and all sorts desired him. 
But the beauty always seemed oblivious to all the attention. 
He could have whatever he wanted but it seemed he ignored the effect he had on people. 

When the alpha of the Moonlight pack discovered his mate was pregnant with twins. He expected two heirs to the alpha title but as soon as the small male was born after his bigger brother they knew things would be very different than they planned. 
Caden. The first born was definitely a true alpha. In size and dominance. Blue eyes, black hair with dark blue highlights and a smirk that would get any girl weak in the knees. Muscles big enough to crush any threat.
But as soon as Aiden opened his pretty purple eyes his parents knew the omega would become the gem of the pack. 
Aiden had white hair with purple highlights the same shade as his light purple eyes. He was loving, caring and the sweetest person you could ever meet. He was small, short and petite. Even females swooned and we're jealous over his perfect soft features.
All the dominant males and females drooled over the beauty but never had or could get a chance with him. 
Not only because of his overprotective twin brother but also because the pretty male was determined to wait for his mate. 

Aiden was in the library working on his mythical history homework. 
They lived in a world where all supernatural creatures and humans lived together in harmony. 
Well most of the time. There was order but just like any society there will be ups and downs. 
The beauty was unaware of all the eyes that admired him. Or he was and chose to ignore them.
Even some students were watching from the library windows. 
But as soon as a certain individual glared at all the admirers they all ran away from sight in fear of being beaten to death. 

It was no secret Caden would rip anyone who tried anything funny with his younger brother. 
He had made an example of one guy who thought his confidence was enough to get him what he wanted. 
Too bad for him, venom laced claw marks from a strong alpha will never completely heal so the scars were a constant reminder not only to him but everyone around that Aiden was off limits. 
Caden was very protective of his omega twin. 

"Hey. Are you almost done?" Caden asked and couldn't help but smile at the look his brother gave him. 
It could be because he was an omega or his special abilities but either way Aiden always had an aura of joy and his mood affected everyone around him. 
Another reason Caden never wanted him to get hurt. When Aiden was sad everyone could feel it as well. 
Aiden has the ability to influence the mood of people around him. 
Also he could make anyone do anything he wants just by telling them unlike vampires who need to look you in the eye, you just needed to hear his voice. 
Caden on the other hand was stronger and faster than normal supernaturals and his skin was impenetrable. 
Black and white wolves were rare and special. So they weren't normal wolves. 

"I was done a while ago. I was just waiting for you," Aiden said as he packed up but Caden took his bag and carried it for him. 
"I can carry it myself. I'm not weak you know," Aiden complained as he pouted. 
"I know. I like to take care of you so stop complaining," Caden said with his heart stopping smile before leading them out to their car. 

Kyle, Kai and Seth were already in the car waiting. 
Caden got in the drivers seat before kissing his mate Kyle who was sitting shotgun. 
Aiden joined the couple at the back. 
Kyle and Kai actually dated before discovering they had different mates. 
Luckily it never affected their friendship. Aiden was the only one without mate in the crew. He was actually jealous of the couples. They were 21 now but he still had not met his mate and he was getting tired of waiting. 
He was approached every single day by different suitors but they never carried the scent he desired the most. 

"Did you hear about the new students?" Kyle asked and received a lot of nos from everyone. 
He was part of the student council and he was up to date on a lot of things. 
"They are a bunch of new students from the Silver Light Pack that will be joining us from Monday," Kyle explained. 
"Isn't that the famous rogue pack?" Aiden asked seeming a bit interested that rogues would be entering their school.
Everyone knew about the famous rogue pack led by Alpha Bridges. 

The council thought it was impossible but the famous alpha had found a way to tame and control rogues as well as lead a pack filled with them. Traditionally rogue packs we're dangerous but he had found a way to get them back in a civilized state which was impossible. Well until he did it of course.
After a lot of negotiations and tests they finally realized the members of his pack were safe to bring back into society since they had found a balance between their savageness and humanity. 
They were still rogues with the red eyes but as civilized as a normal wolf. 

"Yes it is and I don't want you anywhere near them. I know what you are thinking," Caden said giving his brother a stern look before focusing back on the road. 
"Come on. If the council says they are accepted into society then why should I avoid them. I just want them to feel welcome," Aiden said but in all honesty he was just curious. 
Being sheltered all his life he had never had much contact with a rogue wolf but heard so many stories about how they are dangerous and deadly creatures with no mercy.
Now that they were civilized this was his chance to meet one and maybe become friends. 

"Don't you dare disobey me Aiden. It's for your own safety", Caden said and all Aiden did in response was pout and cross his arms. 
Seth laughed at his adorableness. 
"Do you have anymore information on them?" Kai asked also a bit worried for his mate. Kai was Cadens future beta and they had been best friends since diaper days.
"Not much other than that Bridges's son will be part of the group," Kyle said. 
"That can't be good. They say he is more brutal than his dad. That between the two the pack fears him the most," Seth said. 
"The more reason why everyone especially Aiden should stay away from them," Caden said with finality. 

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