3. My Omega

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The newly found mates didn't have any other subjects together but with the promise of meeting after classes were over, they separated.
Preston regrouped with the rest of his pack at lunch time as they updated each other on their morning experiences.

"You seem to be in an extra happy mood. Share the good news", Lex said as he eyed Preston suspiciously.
"Well...that's because I met my mate in my first class,"Preston said with a grin.
"Oh my gosh that's awesome. Finally our luna has been found,"Lex said happily and everyone congratulated the future alpha and asked him how his mate was.
"Where do I even start. He is fuxken beautiful and I mean you cannot imagine how beautiful he is. White purple hair that looks ethereal in the sunlight, light purple eyes that I could get lost in for eternity. I wanted to touch his flawless skin but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hold myself back without taking him and making him completely mine...damn,"Preston said with his eyes closed clearly seeing the image of his perfect mate.
"And to top it all off he is an omega. My shy sweet baby,"Preston said finally opening his eyes.

But before more could be said someone cleared their throat. A short male with a pretty smile stood at the edge of the table.
But what caught Preston's attention was the male standing next to him. Same face but different physical features and hair colors.
His mate has a twin and by the look he was giving Preston he didn't like him.
"My name is Lukas Kyle and this is my mate Parker Caden. We just wanted to welcome you to our school. I'm part of the student council and in charge of student affairs so if you have any problems or requests you can come straight to me,"Kyle said and spoke a bit more with the others before his mate dragged him away.
"He seems like a nice guy,"Brett said.
"I can't say the same for his mate. He didn't hide his distaste for me,"Preston said.
"It doesn't matter we will just avoid him,"Lex said.
"Well, that won't be possible,"Preston said and they asked him why.
"My mate is Parker Aiden. His twin brother,"he said and they all looked at him in shock.
"Well shit,"JB said breaking the silence.

Preston almost ran out of his final lecture.
He had spent too much time away from his beautiful mate and needed to be close to the omega and inhale his scent before his wolf went crazy.
Aiden was in the library as usual. He was deep in the jungle of bookshelf looking for a particular book.
He reached out for a book when his hand was held as another snaked around his waist, hot breath on his neck.
"I missed you,"Preston whispered seductively making the omega feel weak but his alpha held him gently but firmly.
"You smell so good, "Preston whispered again before taking a deep breath of his mates scent.

"It makes me wonder...do you also taste as good as you smell?"Preston began giving the omega open mouthed kisses causing Aiden to moan out loud.
Letting go of his hand Preston covered his omegas mouth as he abused Aiden's sweet spot where he will mark him.
Aiden felt his alphas hard-on press against his butt cheeks as he felt himself getting wet.
As soon as Preston smelt his arousal and slick he fought back his wolf and stopped his ministrations.
It was not the time or place but there was one thing he wasn't leaving without receiving.

He turned his mate around and Aiden didn't have time to speak as lips landed on his own in a gentle but amazing kiss.
Preston broke the kiss before things could get heated and looked his omega right in his eyes.
"Mine,"he growled possessively, "My omega."
"Yes, I'm yours. My alpha,"Aiden said before they kissed again.

They walked out of the building hand in hand and Preston almost went crazy when his mate was ripped from his arms.
"What the fuxk do you think you're doing, you filthy rogue?!"Caden shouted as he stood in front of Aiden who was now close to tears at being separated from his mate.
"You better give me back what's mine before I rip you apart,"Preston growled fuming that not only way his mate taken but he could see the devastated look on his omega.
But before more words could be spoken Caden and Preston were in a full blown fight trying to rip each other apart.
Everyone was afraid to stop them and Aiden was on the verge of breaking down watching his twin and mate fight.
Caden was thrown on the ground with Preston on top of him giving him blow after blow.
The alphas were evenly matched which was shocking considering no one was as strong as Caden but at that moment the rogue alpha had the advantage.

But as soon as he heard his mates loud cries he stopped. He jumped off the other alpha and ran to his mate.
Aiden was sitting on the ground with his knees to his chest and face hidden because he couldn't watch the fight anymore.
"Aiden,"Preston said causing the omega to look up.
"You scared me,"Aiden said throwing his arms on his mate in a hug. Ignoring the blood and healing cuts and bruises.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. He took you from me and my wolf went crazy,"Preston soothed his mate and his cries turned to sniffles.
"Baby?"Caden asked in shock.
"Yes, baby. This is not how I planned on you finding out but Preston is my mate. My alpha,"Aiden said with a teary smile.
"Yes. Aiden is my mate. My omega."


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