2. My Omega

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Preston woke up early Monday morning and got ready. He was excited for his first day in college. 
It was tough when they were younger and they all had to be homeschooled to even graduate highschool since they weren't allowed to join normal schools. 
But now things were different and his father had finally convinced the council that the rogues from their pack were like any other normal wolves besides their eye color. 

Many people believed they used violence and fear to get rogue wolves in line but that wasn't the case. 
When alpha Bridges lost his mate he lost his mind and turned rogue. 
Preston didn't really understand what was happening when he was told his father was dangerous and had to be killed. He begged for his fathers life and they released the mad man but sooner or later he would be killed by other packs.
It didn't take long for Preston to leave the pack and search for his father therefor making himself a rogue wolf the minute he cut the pack ties. He finally found his father after months of searching who immediately attacked him. 
But before his father could make the final blow to kill his own son he was filled with warmth that spread throughout his body and forced him to shift back to his human form along with his humanity. 

He was devastated when he saw that he almost ripped his own sons arms off and left scars that would never heal. 
This is why Preston had tattoos on both his arms to cover the scars that made his father guilty every time he remembered that day. 

Preston discovered he had the ability to communicate and control a wolfs spirit. And this is how he saved lost souls every single day as their pack grew. He also had a unique wolf which was dark silver and as he grew up his wolf became even bigger than his fathers. 
The whole pack loved and respected him and this is why he had more power than his father. 

He had to pour a bucket of cold water on his best friend Lex and his mate Brett to get the lazy bums awake. 
Jin, JB and the others left in a different car while Preston left with his mated pair of friends who were both in the back seat. 
He took a glimpse at the loving couple who were cuddled up and he couldn't deny the jealousy he felt. 
He didn't hate their affection. He just wished he could finally meet his mate and experience this true love everyone keeps talking about. 

"Are you excited?" He finally broke the silence in the car.
"Of course. This is our first time in a real school," Brett said excitedly.
"I'm a bit worried though. You know what people think about rogues," Lex said with a frown. 
"Don't worry my little Lexy. I will make sure no one harms the pack," Preston said and they all smiled knowing their future alpha meant every word. 
By the time they were done with final paper work in the office they were already late for their first lecture. 

Preston was on his own after he made sure everyone had made it to class safely. He finally found his class and knocked on the door before being told to come in. 
Preston walked into the classroom and his good looks caught the attention of the whole class. 

The others wore contact lenses because they didn't want to be noticed but Preston left his natural eyes with pride and was waiting for anyone who would dare to start something with him. He was an alpha in more ways than one. He was already tall and had huge muscles covered in tattoos. No one would dare try to intimidate him especially with his red eyes he looked more than dangerous.
While the class admired and gossiped about their new classmate Preston was more focused on the strong scent of lavender and sweet roses that had overcome all his senses. 
That was until he locked eyes with a pretty set of beautiful light purple eyes and his wolf howled...



Aiden woke up extra happy and excited but he didn't expect anything life changing to happen. 
As soon as the class door opened he was filled with a woodsy cinnamon scent that drove his senses crazy. 
He looked up and came face to face with the most handsome man he had ever seen. 
His deep red eyes just seemed to piece through his soul and he couldn't help but fidget at the way they made him feel. 
He snapped out of his trance in time to hear the man introduce himself. 

"My name is Bridges Preston. I'm 23 and hope we get along," he said and as soon as he was told to take a seat Aiden couldn't believe he sat right next to him. 
"Hey beautiful." Oh how his voice did wonders to Aiden's insides. 
"Hello," greeted Aiden as he blushed and bit his bottom lip. 
"Since I just introduced myself do you mind telling me your name?" he asked. 
"I...I'm Aiden. Parker Aiden," he said, blushing even more. 

Aiden couldn't believe that the handsome specimen next to him was his mate. 
He knew he was not only a rogue but Alpha Bridges's son but he didn't care. His mate was perfect. 
He had this whole bad boy look going on and tattoos all over his big arms but Aiden was into it. Totally into it. 
He imagined those arms wrapped around him and bit his bottom lip hard to fight back a moan. The way his red eyes we're looking at him was definitely doing damage to his insides, his dominance calling on the small omega to lay on his back in submission.

They were in their own little world and didn't notice the shocked looks from the class. They couldn't believe the unattainable omega was giving a rogue attention. What worse is they couldn't believe Preston sat next to the omega in the first place.  

They were more afraid of what Aiden's overprotective twin brother would do when he found out. 


Thank you for reading.


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