Chapter 1: Help Me

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Song: Halo Beyonce // Madilyn Bailey (Piano Cover Music Video)

(Y/n prov)

It was a nice and quiet morning here at the Yin clan house. Like I said it was quiet. Too quiet. So, I did the most obvious thing I could think of and see if anyone was awake. There were a few but the rest were sleeping. "Morning White!!!" I looked around to see one of my best friends. I call him a Kid-ten(See what I did there) his name was Samuel but everyone calls him Sam or Sammy. I just waved in response. "Still mute sister?" Right behind Sam was my 'adoring, lovable big brother' Max. "Morning Alpha!!" Sam said a little quieter. "You know it" the words appeared in front of me out of thin air answering his question. The words were made out of a type of 'magic' I call "Moon Dust", it helps me communicate with the others, without having to write down the words on a piece of paper.

"WOW. That's always super cool can you teach me someday!!!" Sam shouted almost waking everyone in the entire forest. "Damn does that kid have an obnoxious voice." Lucifer my inner cat said in our shared mind, with a yawn and a stretch. "Morning to you too Luci," I answered him back. "(Y/n)" The clan leader, Maximilian, my "brother" and Sam asked at the same time. "Mhm," I answered. I may be mute but I can still purr and make other sounds.

"You zones out again." My brother started a little annoyed. I just ignored him and walked away with Sam holding my hand. I looked at his beautiful hazel brown hair and smiled. He turned to look at me a smile growing on his face. I could even see small stars in his blue eyes.

"(Y/N) DON'T IGNORE ME!!" I turned around to look at my brother right into his now pitch-black eyes. When I say they were pitch black I ain't kidding. The white part of his eyes turned completely ash black. I looked down at my feet and the words "Sorry, alpha" appeared in front of me. I held the arm Sam was holding a tight grip on my hand with. He was holding my hand to try and comfort me. "(Y/n) look. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice at you this early in the morning or ever. I know how sensitive you are too loud noises. I'm sorry. I'm just tired and stressed is all." His pitch-black eyes turned back to there normal ocean blue ones. I just nodded and smiled brightly like it never happened.

Sam lead me into the dining hall for breakfast. Some of the others that were here had those pitiful eyes staring into my blood red ones. "Dumb asses. They don't even have the courage to talk to me because of my 'overprotective big brother'." The truth is we're trip-twins. I'm just an albino. That means that I have blood-red eyes. Snow white hair, and pale white skin. "That's because he is hiding the truth from them. You have to admit you thr...two are good actors. He is the clan leader after all. No one goes against the clan leader. Well, everyone except me." Lucifer said with pride laced good and tight into his voice. (Yes, I have a male cat, not a female. Get over it already) I let out a small chuckle and continued following Sam over to the adult breakfast table. He pulled out a chair for me at the end and sat next to me. He is about 17 and I turned 18 a few weeks ago. We're good friends tho. After I had pulled my chair close to the table, to my liking. It was pulled back again but not too far by the one and only Queen Slag (British use this word and Slapper to refer to Slut or whore) in our whole clan. Claudia Maxwell my brother's bitch ass whore of a mate. I act as I like her for the clan and my brother, and she believes it.

"OMG. GOOD MORNING GIRL!!!" She yelled with excitement. I smiled a fake but real-looking smile and waved the words "Morning Girl" appeared in front of her. "You know what? I take back what I said about Sammy having an obnoxious voice. This bitch is making my ears pop and bleed." Lucifer said in my head, acting as if he was dying. "Overdramatic much," I asked him he just smirked and went to take a nap in the corner of my head as Claudia kept talking about some shit her and the other whores in our clan did. I just made little sounds and nodded my head a few times so she thought I was listening. After a few minutes, Max came in and sat next to Claudia. As soon as he sat the chefs and the low ranked werecats came in with our food. I'm not sure what our lower rank types are called. For wolves, they are called omegas, so I'll just call them that.

After the chefs and omegas had served us our food and their own, they sat down. Everyone even the kids waited for the clan leaders' approval to eat. When he gave it to every one dug in like there was no tomorrow. They must have been tired from last night's full moon. Or as I call it for people with mates fuck moon. After our clan leader or my brother was... You know what I'm just going to call him the clan alpha or simply, alpha, the other is just too long. Anyways, where was I... Oh yes. So after the alpha, my brother was done eating and most people at the table, he assigned them to handle their daily duties. He told me to meet him in his office later, I just nodded in response.

After I had eaten my breakfast I went to my brother's office. I didn't know why he wanted me to come to his office. Well, I'll find out now anyway. I knocked on the door asking for entry. When I heard him tell me to come in I did. I entered to room, it felt really tense. "Hello brother. You needed me?" I asked with the words appearing in front of him, in their black and silver mix of dust. "Ahh, yes. Hello Sister. I will be leaving on a business trip today. So, that means that you will be in charge. You might be wondering why I don't get my to mate to lead. But you and I both know that she isn't capable of doing that. Hell, she can't even tie her shoelaces without help. Also, since I will be gone for about a month she is coming with me. " He said with a genuine smile. I just nodded and smiled a bright reassuring smile. The reason I was smiling so brightly was that that whore and my brother were leaving.

He continued with saying. "Thank you. I'll tell all the other clan members. And yes, you can go play with the orphans, go in the garden and woods. Just don't go too far. You can go now." With that, I left with a smile. I went to the orphans of the clan and played with them for a while. Suddenly, Sam came in and said my brother would like to say goodbye to me before he left. I went and said goodbye. He hugged me but, when I was trying to pull away he hugged me tighter and whispered into my ear "Don't burn the clan house down. Or anything that will get you punished. You don't want to be punished do you, sister?" He leaned away and looked at me with a smirk, to see if I understood. I whimpered quietly and nodded my head up and down to show that I understood. "Good girl. Oh, sister doesn't cry. I'll be back in a month. Cheer up and smile." He said with a safe and warm smile. But, his eyes were filled with pure evil.

I pulled away so he wasn't touching me and looked up from the ground and smiled the best fake smile I could. The tears still going down my cheeks. The others thought they were tears of joy. They are sorely mistaken. Tease are tears of fear, no, terror. I waved goodbye and left. I went to the garden and broke down. "Help me. Someone, anyone helps me" I whispered with a cracky voice 

"Help me"

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