Chapter 2: The Tree and The Coma

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Song: Chris Isaak - Wicked Game cover by Marie Digby

(Unown prov)

I was out in the woods with my Beta William, and Gamma/ third in command, Benjamin, when the sweet scent of vanilla and cotton candy hit my nose. My wolf Leila (yes, my inner wolf is a female get over it) was running around my head shouting "MATE". I stopped in my tracks and let the words sink in. My beta and gamma stopped and looked at me, with worried and concerned faces. "Mate" Is all I said and followed the scent. They didn't question or stop me, only followed. We walked for a few minutes till we saw a huge house, well more like a mansion, but who cares right. It was almost as big as our packhouse. Almost. When we walked closer there was an odd smell coming from the house. It smelt so familiar. This put all of us on high alert.

I walked up to the huge hazel brown wooden double doors and knocked. I waited for a minute. Getting irritated and impatient wanting to find my mate, I knocked on the door again, a little harder this time. The door finally opened. When I looked forward I saw ...

(Samuels prov)

I was walking down the corridor to the kitchen thinking about earlier when Black left. How he whispered something into whites' ear and she suddenly started to cry. I know that her smiles aren't real. A few of the clan members know this too. We have tried to talk to Black about it but he said she's fine, and that it is her normal smile. I call bullshit.

Anyways. After Black left I followed the presumably happy (Y/n) to her personal section of the garden. I hid far enough to see what she was doing, without her being able to smell my scent. What shocked me the most wasn't her having a mental break down but that she was talking. "Help me. Someone, anyone helps me" she whispered with a cracky voice "Help me". I watched her for a while not knowing what to do, I left not being able to handle it. She was too busy having her break down, she didn't see me leave.

And now I'm here thinking. There was a knock at the front door. It smelt like dogs. I walked over to the door slowly and cautiously went over to the door. There was a knock again, this time louder and harsher like they were impatient. I opened the door to see three men standing there. The one to the right had greyish whitish hair and blue eyes, it looked like he was highly ranked but not as high ranked as the guy in the middle. He looked like a beta in a black fluffy coat. The guy in the middle looked impatient. He also had white and silver hair with blue eyes, but the part of his hair that flipped was longer and lighter than the beta next to him. He wore a grey suit and tie. He looked younger than the other two but his aura rained alpha. Next to him, on the left, was the other man. He had gingery dirty blond hair that also swept to the side like the other two. And like them, he also had blue eyes.

"Can I help you sir's?" I asked cocking my head to the side in a questioning voice. "Yes, you can. My name is Mason and these are my brothers William and Benjamin. We're looking for someone. So, could we please look around your place here. It'll be quick." Mason said in a calm but urgent voice. "Let me check with one of my superiors." I turned around and called for Nicolijha (it's pronounced: Nico lie sha. Close to the name Elijah. IDK if it's even a real name. I just thought of it and like it.) to come to the door. After about a minute he came in all his magnificence. But when he came to the door his happy makeup filled face turned into a warning filled one.

(Mason prov)

When the door opened it revealed a boy about 17 to 18 years old. He had hazel brown hair and bright blue eyes. "Can I help you sir's?" He asked cocking his head to the side with a questioning voice. "Yes, you can. My name is Mason and these are my brothers, William and Benjamin. We're looking for someone. So, could we please look around your place here. It'll be quick." I said in the calmest voice I could but I still sounded like it was urgent. He looked unsure and said "Let me check with one of my superiors." and called for someone named Nicoliega?

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