Chapter 4

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"She is so pretty!" I exclaimed. The frisky two year old bucked and ran all around us as we parked the large pick up truck. "And she looks hungry!"

Giggling, I looked back at Brody who's eyes were still dark and leered along my backside.

His large strong hands slid around my waist to lift me onto the flatbed truck. It was so hard to catch my breath with him being so close. I could not believe I let him touch me, but I was craving his hands and his mouth like I'd die without it.

"Wes calls her Mable." Brody told me as he lifted himself easily onto the truck bed. "She's more of a grazer, hasn't been saddled yet."

"So she is Wes's horse?"

"One of his little girls." Brody teased, his straight white teeth showed as he grinned. His tanned face was sunkissed and looked so fresh. "He likes the young, pretty ones."

Feeling teased at, I blushed and hid my own smile. "So, how can I help?"

"Well, put these on for starters." He handed me a pair of worn leather work gloves. "Have to protect those small hands of yours."

They were a little big, but weren't anything to complain about. "Thanks."

"I backed right up to the pen, so we'll just do this the old fashioned way and push."

"Yes sir." I nodded my hand, pretending not to notice him laugh softly at me.

After getting the hay bales set, we watch a few more horses join the original two. They were so beautiful, all different colors and sizes. All together, there looked to be about 20 horses.

"Eventually you'll have your own horse." Brody said to me.

Shocked, I shook my head. "I don't have the funds to take care of a horse." I could feel myself get overwhelmed without warning. " I don't have any money to live here. I need to get back to my job back home and -"

"Get in the truck." He cut me off, sounding a little harsh.


"Bella. You came all the way here because you trusted Wes." He leaned down, gripping my face in his rough hands. "I want you. But you're making harder than it needs to be. I won't put up with this."

Shaking, I nodded. I was too fearful to argue. Yet the fear doesn't stem from him hurting me but from me saying the wrong thing and ruining whatever is being started with his brothers.

"And while your listening," he harshly whispered in my ear and he pressed his hard body into my back. His hand slid between my legs, cupping me posessively. "Make sure you get the fuckin duffle bag off the porch and back inside."


Ian was talking with a few other men when we arrived back for lunch. They looked to be his workers. I watched them listen to their boss, Ian giving them orders and respectfully slapping one of the men on their backs as they dispersed back to their duties.

Slowly I walked towards him, averting his stare the best I could. "Bella. How was your time with Brody?"

"Oh-um," Nervous, I wasn't sure if he'd be mad that I let Brody touch me. If I was to really be in this menage, Ian would be the one to take my virginity. He is the eldest.

"It was a great time big brother." Brody answered for me, grinning wide. " She's a great partner. Really makes the truck rides fun, too."

My face flamed and I could feel my embarrassment in my cheeks. I bit my lip and snuck a look at Ian. He seemed amused, not upset at his brothers innuendo. "You wanna go see the kitchen? We can get lunch together while Brody finishes up the morning chores."

Isabella's Story (Brick, Texas Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now