Music for the soul...

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Since my grades weren't completely stopping me from passing, I hadn't had and friends and I was practically invisible, music was everything for me!

If I wasn't listening to music, I was thinking about listening to music.

My top favourite artists at the time were: Billie Eilish, Jeremy Zucker and Tones and I.

Some people don't understand how music could actually affect someone, but music or just the words of the songs could create deeper meanings and attach themselves to specific memories.

For example, these lyrics: ('You Are My Sunshine' by Johnny Cash)

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away."

To most, these lyrics are sweet and pretty straight-forward, but to me... This was the song my parents sang to me as a lullaby or when I would have a bad day as a child.

This song did and still does hit me like a waterfall of nostalgia.

I can't go through listening to this song once without crying.

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