The Sweet Morning

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That night, you and Nicole were once friends...but now you had both fallen asleep as lovers. The words still fluttered in your mind as you slept, although it was short lived as your alarm had the nerve to go off.

"Beep beep!" The annoying noises of the alarm clock disturbed your slumber, as it did Nicole as well. She groans and slams her fist down on it, making it stop quickly.

"Mm...Y/n..?" Nicole had rolled over to where she was facing you. You looked at her with a sweet smile as you reach behind her and scratch those cat ears of hers, "morning sweetheart."  Nicole purrs a little while looking deep into your eyes. However that was also short lived as you and her both could hear Gumball and the gang laughing it up down stairs.

A sigh escaped your lips as you sit up and stretch your arms and look over towards Nicole. Her blue eyes stared at yours until Nicole realized something. "Shoot I have work today!!" Nicole hops out the bed in a panic. A giggle came from you but at the same time you yourself needed to go to work as well. You get out of bed, you both weren't wearing pajama pants because why bother. You walk over to your closet, Nicole already in the bathroom putting on her makeup. You pick out your work clothes, which was a navy blue shirt with red buttons at the chest area with a purple skirt that was down to your knees to prevent any pervy eyes. Nicole was now coming out of the bathroom looking as beautiful as ever. A smile came to your face as she approached you and gently kissed you. "I'll be on my way Y/n, you better hurry to if you don't want to be late-" Nicole giggles as you nodded quickly and threw on your clothes. You didn't bother with a bra as you were flat chested, which didn't matter to you.

Once you were dressed Nicole was already yelling at her kids to get ready for school. It was already 6:30 in the morning, the bus usually came around 7:15. You giggled to yourself as you could hear her telling off her kids.

"Look at this mess you made! Don't you dare touch it! Get yourselves dressed or I'll make you go naked!!" Nicole yells at both Darwin and Gumball who both weren't even close to being dressed. Anais was already dressed sighing at her brothers' stupidity. Despite the events that happened the other day, the two still act like normally. The two groan and sigh, not wanting to go to school. You were walking down the stairs, your tail wagging gently. "Come on you two if you go to school I'll get you some good food from your favorite place when you come home!" You try to bribe them by mentioning their favorite restaurant, Joyful Burger. Though it wasn't the chicken place their father took them to a lot, they couldn't complain. Darwin immediately goes to the room him and Gumball share and puts on his shoes and powders his face a little like a lady would on a date. "Okay but you better make sure it's our favorites!" Gumball smiles as he runs into his room and kicks Darwin out and shuts the door. Anais face palms, "they are so dumb" Nicole giggles as she looks at you. She seemed to be in a good mood given that her kids aren't being such a pain in the butt.

You check the time on your phone out of sheer boredom as the boys were taking their sweet time. Shit, it's already seven in the morning..if they don't hurry up, they're gonna be late..and quite frankly, I want them gone to school already..
With a sigh you look over at Nichole who was gathering up some papers for work. She was higher up in the corporation than you, but they still treated her like dirt. Something just occured to me, we can't act like a couple in front of everyone..or else they'll think I'm trying to sleep with her to get a promotion, though it isn't true...everyone would believe it..
"Boys come on! It's already ten minutes after seven! You're gonna miss the bus!" Nichole swings open the door, the bus already there waiting. Anais hugs Nichole before walking over and getting onto the bus. She of course brought her favorite toy, Daisy the Donkey. "We're coming mom!" Gumball and Darwin nearly fall in front of the door trying to run to the bus.."Bye Mrs. mom! Bye Y/N!" Darwin yells out as he sticks his head out of one of the bus' windows.

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