Chapter 2

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I didn't expect anything like this, how could something so gentle ,such as nature,be so dangerous yet beautiful. The night I left brittany's house I had nightmares of everyone I know leavening me only to be awoken by the buzzing of an angry beedrill "pyroar use flamethrower " I yelled, that luckily caused the beedrill to scatter. I jumped down and ran as fast as I could to get away and foud myself lost. I ran into a riolu, who was afraid of me. He jumped back ready to use force palm on me. Pyroar leaped in the way ready to attack. I stopped it and returned it to it's poke'ball. I slowly stepped towards the riolu and it backed away. I finally reached it as it stumbled into a tree. I rubbed it's head as he flinched. The riolu finnaly let it's guard down then soon fell asleep. To my surprise an ursaring showed and used hammer arm. I could only save riolu but not myself my right leg was hit so I sent out pyroar. The battle began " pyroar use hyperbeam " ursaring flew then retaliated with hammer arm but it missed. " Pyroar use flamethrower then tackle " from the damage and power i could tell flamethrower was a critical hit. Before fainting ursaring ran away. The sun rose and soon I heard a girl yell my name. I responded with " help I'm over here" she helped me make it to the hospital.

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