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A/n on so this whole chapter is going to be karmas p.o.v so thats what I'm gping to start doing now k?

     As we left the movies i couldn't help but see Nagisa face. He seemed down . " sorry about koro sensei you probably fell really weird now and" i was cut off by Nagisa saying " no its just ..... "
" what is it Nagisa ?" " I... karma .....I...I ......I like you Ok " this was so exciting he liked me he really liked me. " you may think now that this will change are friendship but i know you dont like me so if we could just please still be friends " " Nagisa. ..... I like you too " seeing that light in his eyes was amazing. " really ?" " yes i really really like you more then a friend " " I'm glad you feel the same." " Nagisa would you like to go on a date sometime soon. " " i would love to ."  "Is next Friday good " "yep that great." "Awesome so see you at school." "See ya."

                         Time skip to school on Monday

as i walked in to the classroom all the girls were looking in my then they started to giggle. "Whats so funny "  I asked.  " koro sensei gave us the picture of you too on your date ." One of them said. I turned bright pink . "Well whats so funny about that ." "Hey karma " Nagisa started to walk into class. "Hi Nagisa how was your weekend." " its was ok i really didnt do anything " "then you should have called me." The girls stared to giggle again "ok then ill call you next time " " good to know. O and koro sensei kind of gave everyone the pictures he took. " "what why would he do that is that whh all the girls we giggling o my what if my mom see what sh-." I cut him off my placingmy hand on top if his and saying "Its going to be ok " he took a deep breath and calmed down. " your right sorry for rambling. " " its fine. " just as k said thag koro sensei walked in and started to teach fhe olny though that was going though my head as he was teaching was IM GOING TO KILL YOU.

Sorry that this chapter was shortbut the next one will be them going on there frist date i promise

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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