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Kang Yeosang is mute. Why? You may ask , his father..and because of this he's bullied resulting in him having slight depression and social anxiety. His mother had passed years ago because of his father. After this tragedy he never spoke a word even if it was to save his life.

He would be lying if he said he wanted to live anyway. His father would threaten to kill him due to the fact he reminds him of his mother. But Yeosang never understood why he still hasn't done anything. He was out of love , he felt as if the whole world was against him. He became extremely sensitive.


He was slammed into the locker by one of his bullies  "aww~ what's wrong? Can't speak?" Myungjun spoke staring with dark eyes. Yeosang still couldn't get a word out. He could only stand there. 3 other boys had walked into the scene and began to beat Yeosang. Kicking and punching him on the ground. All Yeosang could do was cover his head.  The boys had left , leaving Yeosang on the floor.

Jongho had been watching from the corner waiting for them to leave before making his way twords Yeosang. It was a cowardly move but Jongho didn't want any trouble like the other did. A-are you okay-" Jongho reached his hand out but it was slapped away by the small boy as he got up quickly and began limping twords the bathroom. Jongho watched as the boy left. He felt extremely bad.

He ran his hands through his hair letting out a shaky sigh. He was currently missing his class but the school was fucked up anyway and it wasn't like teachers were gonna notice.
Next day

Jongho had noticed Yeosang Walk into the restroom, so he followed behind. "Uh..your kang Yeosang right?" Jongho questioned. The boy only looked at him and nodded. "A-are you okay? what happend yesterday..are the bandages helping?" Jongho asked. But Yeosang only shrugged his shoulders in response. "I...have a question... why don't you...speak?" Jongho asked fiddling with his hoodie strings.

And the thoughts came back. His mom. The knife.... the threats.... Yeosang hadn't even noticed his eyes began to water. His head only dropped as he pushed through Jongho to leave the bathroom. "Y-Yeosang Wait- ..." he had whispered as he watched Yeosang leave school. Whatever was causing all this Jongho was willing to help him.

He was willing to save him from whatever's been bothering him. Everyday Jongho would speak to yeosang even when Yeosang didn't want him around. He was able to make him smile here and there and Yeosang had gotten comfortable being around him. There were even times where Yeosang nearly spoke but something always cut him off.

Jongho had found out about yeosangs abusive father when they walked home together. He had seen him watching them through the window. Yeosang would always show up with marks  but those definitely weren't from the bullies. Jongho knew. The two had shared their numbers and even locations as they got even closer.

Yeosang had gotten home from school. He had made an attempt to get to his room without his father noticing but he noticed anyway. "Sang.." his father slurred his words. He was drunk. Yeosangs Heart dropped as he heard his voice. His father walked twords him holding a glass bottle. "Tch worthless....I saw you with that boy.."father started. "Your gay aren't you..?!" His father shouted.

Yeosang could only look down with no response. "My son...likes boys...I'd rather Kill you than have that going around... how does that make me look!?" his father shouted suddenly as he rushed closer to yeosang. Yeosangs eyes widened as he began to dash for the door. He felt the glass bottle smash against his head as he dropped to the ground with a thud , his phone flying out infront of him. Because of his father being drunk he was a bit slower. Yeosang grabbed his phone and quickly sent jongho a message. Before he could type any more his father grabbed his ankles and began to drag him causing his phone to fall once again. He kicked his legs as he stared at his father with wide eyes.

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