Quotes that sleep deprived shophomores say...

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"This hoe always wearing crocs...it's NovEmBeR BiCH"

"Brooo it smells like weeeeed in here"

Kid 1: bro their so loud
Kid 2: where's the mute button on this....
Kid 1: bRo NoO

"Club penguin raised me when my parents didn't want too..."

*comes back another day*
*comes back another day*
"Depression and anxiety"


" any one wanna do my homework? No ok....so you have chosen death"

Kid 1: WHy Is EvERYOnE TaLKiNG AT OnCE!!!
Kid 2: AHHhHhHhHhhH

"ur A feral cat bitch"

"Megan va a comer las papas en su bano..."

*translation: Megan eats potatoes in the bathroom*

"I ate two Newport cigarettes once..."

Kid 1: *moans loudly in the hallway*
Kid 2: sound like he's having a good time...

"You weigh like a handful of grapes Nina"

Kid 1: I gotta go potty...
Kid 2: Jeana your 16 years old and you still say potty?
Kid 1: say that again and I'm going to piss on you

Kid 1: hey guys I got a new phone case!!
*proceeds to smack phone on the table*

"Can I just stop growing bro I don't want to do taxes..."

"Suck it up buttercup"

"I have so many single girls in my family"

"Welp my whole chicken nuggets fell out of my basket"

"My grandma's single just so you know"

"HaHHaHA that's not funny"

"I might go to a Christian school"

"Oh my god you're Christian???"

Kid 1: *breaks kid's 2 pencil*
Kid 2: and I oop-
Kid 1: *gives kid 2 6 pencils*
Kid 3: is this some sort of drug deal?


"Bro ur so red....are you the Soviet Union flag?"

"Ajsnsisjsjznbsj I THiNk NoT"

"I like food but so does trump so now I'm conflicted as hell"

Kid 1: bro I won in apex last night
Kid 2: cool how many kills did you get?
Kid 1: I got 1...
Kid 2: *sighs*

"Why can't our girls bathroom smell like roses instead of tampons and complete shit bro"

"Eyyy this dood is lit!!"

"I wonder why every time I drive around a school there are so many speed bumps"

*stares intently at the stairs*
"I want these stairs to hit me"

"My bi-senses are tingling...Alaina...I didn't know you were gay!"

"IM NOt GaY jeANA"

"I got stabbed with AIDS"

"So when I was about to give blood I looked at the needle and thought: ThAt BoI ThICC"

American Red Cross nurse: so how do you feel?
Student with a needle stuck up their arm: ....yes...

"For some reason when I was giving blood Giorno's theme started playing in my head..."

"Matthew I just gave up a lot of blood and I still can kick u in the balls so s H u T U P

"I just asked the teacher when the test was and she said tomorrow. I have none of the problems done in my review packet ahhhhhhh"

"I'm 2% black so I'm technically allowed to say the n-word"

"It smells like santas ass in my home bro"

Teacher: Jeana what do you want to ride for the rest of your life? A bike, a car, or a horse?
Jeana: I don't know...
Teacher: ok then a camel is fine
Jeana: *whispers to friend* w h a t. T h e f u c k

-lmao so this chapter took a long ass time considering I forgot to write down all the quotes so just bear with me -3-
But anyways I hope u laugh so hard you shit a lil and if u don't....welll that's not my problem bruh XD
Sooooo I'll try and get as much quotes in as I can so I can laugh or not laugh and just find this book boring as shit....

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