Chapter One

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Who am I? I'm the moon. No, not the planet moon, the person version moon, or for my name I prefer Aku or Jaci. I've came down from my usual place to… well… I've completely forgotten. I'm not actually sure I knew in the first place.

I know that I'm the moon, Jaci, or Aku and that I’m more or less close to the sun, again the person version, Aine or Arun. The humans believe the I'm mute because of how rarely I talk, but I don't really dispute it either so I don't blame them. This body is in it's teens now, and Aine visits in the summer... sometimes. I attended the human school so that I can learn what I need as well as socialize. It's ‘Two thousand nineteen’ as the humans put it. I know the world is older, but I was brought in later in the story.

I'm not bad looking with medium silver eyes, a thin but fit body, near black brown hair, and of course my pale skin. Aine has bronze skin and an athletic body. Of course her hair is a light golden brown with her sky blue eyes. Where am I if I'm not in the sky? A large city named Greenville. I can't tell you what state, just that it's in America. 

Now to the real question. How do I look like an human while there's still a big silver disc in the sky? Yeah, that was a dead planet I put there so I could cover more ground. My light had to shine somehow right? How do I know this, but have no recollection of why I'm here? There was an accident.

I had been riding home with someone who had asked for my help in history class, when a semi truck ran a stop light and rammed into the car. I had ended up in a coma for three months and the classmate was killed with his father. The semi driver was okay and hadn't offered a apology, but I hadn't asked for one. It was an accident. 

It took me a while to relearn how to walk and my skull had a severe crack in it. Occasionally I'll get a headache or cease up doing something, but that is what Zeeve is for. He'll nip my hand when I need to take a breather or bite hard when I need to find help.

Who is Zeeve? Zeeve is a timberwolf, not some mix breed, a true timberwolf. I tried normal service dogs, but they couldn't understand the signal's or notice the change fast enough. Wolves hold an affinity with me, so it made them my go to animal. Zeeve had been raised by humans in a sanctuary, but always bit and attacked them. I had come because they were going to kill him, he watched me sit in the enclosure for a half hour until the heat triggered an attack and I had been made immobile. He ran and dragged one of the other people who had been trying to save him to me. Luckily the other wolves were put in cages until either we had succeeded or failed and killed him.

Now he walks and lives with me. The other students thought he was awesome. Since Zeeve double checked me before he went to be scratched, I was alright was them distracting him for a short time period. He knew he had to go back to my side after twenty minutes, and as long as he did I let him have free roam. The damage caused by the reck was slowly repairing itself, but I still had consequences for being asleep for three months. Getting tired or sick easily wasn't uncommon. 

“Jaci! There you are! We were worried something had happened and were heading to the principal's office to ask to check on you. Hello Zeeve!” I laughed as Zeeve promptly stood like a bear and a student named Trish threw him a treat. “Are you going to talk to a class today?” Zeeve and I looked at each other. I turned and nodded heading to the principal's office.

The Principal had asked me a year ago to help raise awareness of service dogs. Like how petting them could be deadly to their owner. In exchange when Aine came to visit or when I had a ‘bad day’ he allowed me to skip school without my grades being affected. “Okay I'll see you at lunch then!” I smiled and walked into the office waving to the ladies of the front desk.

“Jaci! Visiting classes again? I'll let Mr. Quint know your here. Did you miss the alarm or do you need a day off?” I gave Zeeve an accusing look and he let his tongue hang out. “Zeeve! You ate the alarm clock again!?” Zeeve didn't like waking up. This was the tenth time this year. Since we lived alone he'd eat the alarm clock and not wake up until ten. No one has to live with me since I have Zeeve. If he howled then five people in the same building knew to come help me or call nine one one. So it's safe for me. Mr. Quint normally drove me to the other schools and home so an responsible adult, and someone I trusted was with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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