Chapter 1

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The final bell snapped me out of my trance. Looking up, I couldn't help but notice the students in the classroom filing out in a single file manner. Heaving my body up from my desk, and grab my bag following suit. Quietly, I walk down the hall finding my way to my locker.

"Hey!" a young girl waved me down. A young girl with raven black hair bounced up to me. Her green eyes glowed brightly as she made her. I smile the young girl, Celeste. She's my girlfriend of 3 years, and she's the best person in the world. "Asher! Hey!"

"Hey!" I smile as she stops in front of me. "Thought you'd get lost in the sea of crazy!" I say to her, quickly opening my locker, putting my books in my locker, exchanging them for my bookbag.

"You're funny!" She lightly shoved me, fixing her bag. "Hey, do you mind giving me a ride home?" She asked me.

I roll my eyes, pulling the spare set of keys out of my bag. "What's in it for me?" I ask her.

She rolled her eyes with a slight hint of flirtation in her green eyes. "I dunno... I mean, the Blowout is tonight..." She said to me.

"That's true,"

"Fine, I'll give you gas money! I know it's not cheap, but I'll pay you," she responded finally when I didn't budge.

I only smiled at her once again, wrapping my arm around her waist. "You didn't have to convince me, M'Lady!" I say to her. "I was gonna drive you home regardless,"

She smiled as she looked around at the students. Everyone seemed eager to leave the school property. Not surprised! Of course, it's a Friday night, which means the Juniors and Seniors, and a few of the Sophomores are getting ready for the Annual Blowout of Arenberk High. It's a big deal, and everyone gets super hyped for it.

"So," Celeste spoke up as we walked out to the parking lot. "What are the chances of your parents letting you out tonight?" She asked me, as I scan the parking for my Father's old car.

"Uhm, I'm not so sure," I respond to her, as we walk towards my car. "I feel like my Mom might be okay with it, but my Dad will probably have something to say about it."

"Oh," she lowered her gaze, as I started the car pulling out of my parking spot. "Well, I can talk to him for you, if you'd like,"

I glance at her quickly and force a smile. "Thank you," I start. "But I don't think it's best to bombard my parents. Especially my Father," I add.

She looked at me for a moment before nodding her understanding. "Of course, I'm sorry." Celeste's eyes seem to fall to the dashboard. 

"Why don't you ask my Mom?" I say to her, hoping to cheer her up. "Maybe if you talk to her, she can talk to my Dad and we'll probably have an answer shortly after,"

Her gaze seemed to lighten as I say that. "I would love that!" She said. 

"All right," I respond. "Then I'll just take you to my house," I add, making the signal to turn down my street rather than following the road down to Celeste's Street. After some silence, I pull the car into my driveway parking behind my Dad's car. Looking at the house, I see my Mother's Ice Blue Car in the Driveway. "Come on," I say to her shutting the car off, walking up the walkway to my door.

Celeste followed me, as I opened the door, closing it behind me. The house was very quiet, but like always it was very tidy. Walking further into the house, I see Mom sitting in the kitchen at the table, with her several things scattered around her. Her long platinum blonde hair wasn't in its normal braid, but instead, loose with her long bangs in her eyes. Her blue eyes were focused, though I could see the hint of stress in her eyes. Sadly, I  know what her stress is from. "Hey, Mom!" I say to her, causing her to look up so suddenly. The hint of stress in her eyes was now mixed with anger. "I brought Celeste home with me!"

Quickly I scanned the area before looking back up at her. "Where's Dad? And the Twins?"

"Asher!" My mother hissed crossly. "Please keep your voice down, honey! Your Father is trying to sleep," She responded before looking to my girlfriend. 

"Sorry," I mumble, instantly remembering how my Father was feeling this morning. 

"Hello, Celeste!" My mother then smiled at her, "How are you?" She asked. 

"I'm okay, thank you for asking, Mrs. Haddock." She responded. "How are you?"

I saw my mother force the smile she always has. "I'm doing great," Mom said silently. "Honey, you know you don't have to refer to me like that. You're more than welcome to call me Elsa,"

"Yes, I know. I appreciate it!" My girlfriend smiled sweetly.

My mother then looked at me before her smile faded. "I didn't mean to snap at you like that, Darling," she said to me.

"I know."

"You're Father had a rough morning, and the last thing I want is to make him angry!" She explained to me, calmly, looking down to the floor.

She's pained... For as long as I could remember, my Dad's been pretty ill... Mom told me shortly after I was born, he got sick... For a while he was fine, but in the last three years, it's been pretty bad... Though my Dad is still the same person thorough thick and thin... My Dad is by far the best person ever!

Brielle and Connor, only being 12 don't really understand, though they say that they do... "Is he feeling a little better now?" I ask. "Celeste and I have to ask him something,"

My mother looked at us, with a common look in her eyes. "If it has anything to do with the Buick, I'm sure you know what he'll say," she answered me. "Besides, whatever you need to ask him, you could always ask me,"

"Alright," I sigh, glancing at Celeste. "Do you think, I would be allowed to go to the Blowout tonight?" I ask her, causing her to look at me with some shock.

"Asher, you know your father doesn't want you to go to those things. They aren't safe honey," Mom said to me with a calm sigh. "Bad things happen at those Blowouts,"

"I know, but it's the last one of the year, it's a big deal!" I say to her, but suddenly stop as she raised her hand in the air. 

"However, if you think you can make good choices, and come home at a reasonable time as well as keep this from your father, I think I can allow you to go," Mom said to me silently. Hold it, she's gonna lie to my father? She never does that! She's usually fairly open with him. "But only because I trust you," She added. 

I only look at her with a smile. "Thank you, Mom!" I say to her giving her a quick hug, before taking my keys off the table. 

"Make good choices, please!" She said to me, before pushing herself up. As she did so, I couldn't help but notice Celeste gaze down at my Mom's rings. Celeste is very into fancy jewelry, and my Mom's wedding rings were everything she wished for in life. Due to our family lineage of having powers of snow and ice, Dad purposely had her engagement ring custom made with a blue diamond-shaped snowflake. "I don't want to regret letting you go, and something bad happening,"

"I will," I say to her as she carefully picked her keys up from the counter. She's going to get the twins from school. "I promise!"

Without You (Hiccelsa) Epilogue, Book 4½Where stories live. Discover now