Chapter 3

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I messed up! It was 6 in the morning, and I told Mom I'd come home at a reasonable time. It was the only reason Mom allowed me to go to the Blowout. Quickly, I pull my car into my driveway, trying my best not to let my tires squeal as I did so. 

"Are you going to get in trouble?" Celeste asked me, as we both get out of my car. I didn't bother locking the doors to my car, knowing the horn will wake my parents up. 

"Well, as long as no one is awake when we go in there, we'll be fine!" I say to her, walking up the walkway to my house. Quickly, I run up the front entrance staircase. "I just hope my parents aren't awake," I say quietly to her, quietly opening my front door.

There were no lights on in the house, which in my eyes, is a good thing. There was a light on in the kitchen, but I assume it was Mom or Dad leaving the stove light on. "Let's just quietly go  upstairs!" I whisper to Celeste quickly motioning her to go up the stairs. "I don't want to wake anyone up."

"Yes, that would be an awful idea!" I hear a familiar voice. I freeze, then look over, seeing my Dad walking out of the kitchen with his coffee mug. I look him over, giving me a quirky smile. 

"Hi, Dad!" I say to him, smiling faintly hoping he would return the smile. He did not! Oh boy!

"You're home late!" Dad said to me. "Or, early," he seemed to lose his wording. His gaze scanned over the room, and Celeste. "Good morning, Celeste," my Father said calmly. His tone was stern, but he still spoke with the respect he always has. 

Celeste smiled, her face going red. "Good morning, Mr. Haddock!" She responded to him, her cheeks bright red.

Dad looked at the time before looking back at me, his emerald eyes stern. "Do you realize what time it is, Asher?" He asked me.

"Uhm, yeah... It's early," I responded to him. 

"So, where were you?" He asked me sternly.

Celeste and I share a glance before we both looked at my father. My father stood before me, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen. As stern as my father's expression was, I saw that he was extremely tired. Which made me wonder why he was up. It's a Saturday... I mean, I know he works, but he's never up at 6:00... He probably got up earlier than that. It's like he knew I never came home last night.

"Where were you?" He repeated.

"I was at Finn's. Celeste and I stayed at Finn's last night, but decided to come home early," I say to him, hoping he buys that story. Even though that story is far from true. Celeste and I slept in my car last night. I got up at 5:30 realizing the time and drove us back to my house. I was hoping to sneak in, but of course, Dad was awake.

"Is that the story?" He asked me quietly. 

"Erm, yes!" I say to him, smiling sheepishly.

He stared me down for a moment before turning away from me. He seemed to limp heavily as he walked towards the counter. Which instantly made me feel bad. He's probably in a lot of pain and got up early to make sure I was okay. "Alright," He said to me quietly, setting his mug down. 

"We're going to bed," I then say to him. "Goodnight -- or, Goodmorning..."

He then cleared his throat, stopping us at the stairs. "You know the rules, Asher," Dad said calmly, the tension in his voice gone completely. "You know Mom and I are okay with Celeste staying over, but no funny business," Dad turned to me, eying me. 

"Yes, I know. Thanks, Dad!" I say to him, nodding my understanding. 

"Then I'll see you later, buddy!" Dad said to me. "It was nice seeing you, Celeste," Dad said calmly. 

"Nice seeing you too, Mr. Haddock!" Celeste smiled at my father, as we walked upstairs. Quietly, we walked past my parents' room, even though Mom was the only one sleeping. We walked passed Connor's room and walking into my room. Closing my door, I turn to Celeste blowing my bangs away from my face. 

"That was a close one!" I laughed quietly, as Celeste sat on the end of my bed. 

"Yeah, seriously!" She echoed. "I thought he was going to hand it to us, I didn't expect him to be awake," She said.

"I didn't think he'd be up either," I say to her. "But Dad is easy going, he's not going to make a big deal over us sneaking in," I say to her.

She was silent for a moment before looking at me. "Was it just me, or was your Dad limping?" Celeste asked me,  sounding generally concerned.

I look at her, turning on my lamp. "You do realize my Dad, only has half his left leg," I say to her, calmly with a small laugh. 

"Well, yeah!" She answered. 

"He's always had a limp," I say.

"Do you think he's ever in pain?" She asked me, yawning.

I knew it, she's tired... It's no wonder she's asking these questions. She feels bad for my Dad sometimes, even though he is usually content, depending on the day. "Not usually," I answer her. "Then again, Mom said Dad's been dealing with this longer than she's known him, so he should be used to it," I say.

Celeste yawned, lying down on my bed. "It must suck," she whispers. "Your Dad is incredibly strong," she yawns again. "You're so lucky... To have him as your father," she trails off, zoning out into a blissful sleep.

 With a small sigh, I cover her in my blanket, grabbing my phone charger, as a blanket... Deciding to join my father downstairs, I kiss Celeste on the cheek, walking out of my room. Closing the door, I lean against the door, staring off. She's right, my father is very strong, considering everything this family has been through. 

And I know one thing for sure, I am extremely lucky to have him as my father. I couldn't ask for a different guy to be my father.

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