Chapter 4

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Today was a hectic day. Everything in this household was loud and chaotic. To make everything worse, today is one of those days, where Hiccup is too sick to move... Although he tries, I don't allow him to do anything. Of course, tonight was the night we scheduled a huge family dinner. All our friends and family will be there.

Anna and Kristoff will be here with their daughter. Rapunzel and Eugene with their new baby. Plus, my Aunt and Uncle, and of course, Hiccup's mother. Asher begged us to invite Celeste, and Hiccup and I only agreed to allow it, only if Asher helped prep for the night.

Thankfully, Asher kept his word, and helped out a lot, considering his father tried to help, but couldn't do a whole lot. The twins weren't all that much help either, but what do you expect from them. Nonetheless, they tried to best they could, and I'm proud of them. I'm proud of all my children. Hiccup and I couldn't be prouder. Asher has made Honor Rolls every year in school so far and clearly got his intelligence from his father. He sure didn't get them from me!

Asher was busy, cutting some carrots when my husband walked into the kitchen. He walked passed our son before smiling faintly. "Glad to see him helping you," he said quietly before walking to the counter.

I only smile, folding my arms over my chest. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask him, shaking my head.

Hiccup looked at me, reaching over me for a glass out of the pantry. "Getting a glass, what does it look like?" He asked, setting the glass down. As he did so, Asher looked up from what he was doing.

"You're supposed to be resting," I say to him calmly.

"Since when were you the boss of me?" He asked me, catching me off guard, grabbing my waist.

"How long have we been married?" I ask him with a smile. Hiccup only scoffed playfully, kissing my forehead before letting me go. He set his cup down on the far counter, grabbing a jug of Alkaline water from the fridge.

Asher looked over, utterly confused. "Mom, what does being married have to do with you being the boss of Dad?" He asked, setting the knife down.

Hiccup looked at our son before letting out a sigh. "Because once you get married, your wife controls everything you do!" He said to the teenage boy. "Trust me, Asher! Relationships are nothing but pain and misery!" He added.

With a scoff, I form a snowball in my hand, throwing it at the side of his head. "Ow!" He hissed before turning to our son with a smirk. "What did I just say?" He exclaimed before wiping the snow off the side of his face.

"Here, let me help you, honey," I say to my husband, grabbing a cloth, wiping the frost out of his hair.

Asher seemed uncertain as he stared us down with the emerald green gaze that very much resembled his fathers. "But, Mom..." He started. "I thought you said using our powers around Dad and the Twins was bad. You said our powers could really hurt them,"

Hiccup and I exchanged glances before looking to our son. "Asher, the only reason I can use my powers around your father is that I know how to control my powers now. I know I won't hurt him," I say to him sitting beside him at the table. "I trust you completely with your Powers, Buddy," I say to him.

"We just don't want to risk you losing control and hurting someone." Hiccup said to our son calmly. Though to me, Hiccup sounded uncertain as he said that. Of course, he's uncertain. We've been married for 15 years and I've had three kids of his children, but yet he can't fully understand the powers that have been handed down from me to our firstborn son. He just knows there dangerous in the wrong hands.

"I understand that," Asher sighed looking up at us. "I don't want to hurt anyone," he said quietly, blowing his blonde bangs away from his eyes.

"If you're aware, you won't," I say to Asher ruffling his hair. "Now, why don't you go pick up Celeste? Everyone will be here soon!"

"Alright," Asher stood up. "Dad, can I take your car?" He asked his father hopefully.

Hiccup raised a brow. "What's wrong with your car?" He asked.

"Erm, nothing!" Asher responded. "I just want to take your car,"

Hiccup sighed quietly setting his keys on the table. "Don't be an idiot with it, Asher," Hiccup sighed.

"Thanks, Dad, I'll be back in 10 minutes," our son responded before walking away.

As soon as the sound of the front door sounded, and the house alarm deep, Hiccup turned to me leaning against the counter. He stared me down, his sharp eyes locked on me. "So it's just like that?" Hiccup asked.

"Just like what?" I ask my husband, confused.

"Why are you telling him that stuff about your powers?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

He fought a cough. "We don't even know half the things we should know about these powers, Elsa. Our firstborn child has the same ability you do, but we know nothing about how he got them." Hiccup explained calmly with his arms folded over his chest. "We can't just say Asher inherited from you because if he did, why don't Connor and Brielle have these abilities. No one in your family has them. They started with you, and now they are being passed down to our children."

I thought for a second. "Yeah, I guess you're right!" I say to him.

"Besides, we shouldn't make him fear these abilities. Make him aware of these abilities, but I don't want him to fear everything in his life," Hiccup added with a cough.

Again, he's right... "Fine, you're right!" I say, walking over to him, giving him a quick kiss.

With that out of the way, Hiccup fell silent, quietly sipping his water. His gaze seemed to fall as I continued to prep dinner. Hiccup does make a good point. Where did my Powers come from? Why did only Asher inherit powers? I've had three of Hiccup's children and only one of them got the ability. If Asher fears his powers, what if he loses control? What if he lives in fear like I did?

Would Asher ever harm anyone? Would he do it intentionally?

Without You (Hiccelsa) Epilogue, Book 4½Where stories live. Discover now