Chapter Three

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I hadn't realized what I had did intill we were exiting the choosing room with our chosen factor and I seen my parents sad eyes boring into mine. Anna stood by them tears in her eyes she gave me a nod and a small smile before waving her hand slightly.

I looked away to keep myself from crying. What had I done! I chose to leave! I left my family! Why? I closed my eyes taking a breath. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over to meet a set of green. It was the girl with blonde hair Rapunzel.

"Its gonna be alright," she smiled softly before walking ahead.

I walked with the group of people who had chose Dauntless. We all followed the born Dauntless because we didn't know exactly where we were going. Intill I seen it the train. My stomach felt sick I had seen the Dauntless born do this many times before.

Jump on moving trains. It was crazy, but looked amazing. As we climbed the platform one by one I couldn't help the slightest spark of fear to rises in me. I stood with the others the tracks shook and I knew instantly the train was here.

I heard it before I seen it as if flew past us I watched as the born Dauntless jumped in to the carts. One by one people disappeared into the moving train. A girl Ariel was the first on the train of the nonborn Dauntless.

My heart pounded as the end of the train came near. Knowing that as soon as the train was gone whoever failed to get on would be factorless I prepared to jump as the end of the train came I watched Rapunzel jump and followed behind.

My hands touched the metal slipping but just as they did they were grabbed and I was pulled on. My eyes were wide and I smiled at the girl who stood in front of me she had short black hair, "Thanks," I gasped.

"Your welcome Mavis born Dauntless," she smiled.

"Elsa Arendelle, was Abnegation," I introduced myself.

Just then I heard a gasp and I turned to see Jackson pull the Hiccup boy one just before the train left the platform. I smiled at the freckled faces boy.

I didnt think he would make it. But then again I didnt think Id make it this far either.


I could see the roofs of buildings. Thats all I seen as people got in jumping posistion. My eyes darted around for a platform of some sort.

But there wasn't none and the train wasnt going to stop to let us off why would it? It didnt stop to Let us on why would ot let us off? Panic filled me how were we gonna get off? Then I was answered as I saw people starting to jump.

My heart pound and I was faced with a sudden choice, not jump and become factorless or jump and possibly make it or possibly die. My question was answered as Mavis grabbed my hand and Rapunzel grabbed my other.

"Its not as hard as it looks, you can make it," Mavis said, "We'll jump together."

"Aw the little Stiff needs someone to jump with her," a voice laughed.

My eyes narrowed to the white haired boy Jackson, "N-no!" My voices stuttered.

He laughed, "Come on," he said to the Hiccup boy who was going on about the chances of dying and how being factorless didn't sound so bad. Obviously annoyed Jack pushed Hiccup out of the moving tain and followed behind quickly.

Before I could think me and the two girls were thrown to out and on top the roof scrabbing our hands and knees. I shook looking at the rocks underneath me. Im not dead I laughed I wasn't dead.

I was helped up by Rapunzel who smiled brightly, "We made it," her eyes widen, "I can't believe it we made it! Oh my gosh we jumped out of a moving train, we could have died! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE MADE IT!"

Mavis patted us on the back, "Come blondie and stiff," she pushed us towards the group of people who had jumped they stood by a large hole that seemed to drop into nothing. Perhaps this was a test to see who was stupid enough to jump to there deaths.

Or maybe it was a test to see who was brave enough to take a chances and end up being dauntless. "Whats at the bottom?" Hiccup asked a man who stood by the hole. He was dauntless obviously moat likey a trainer.

"Thats for you to find out okay whos first," he shouted.

I stepped forward, "Excuse me, Mr..."

"Im Mordu," he said, his voices was deep, his skin dark. A scar ran acrossed his dark solid black eyes, he looked me up and down, "So are you going to jump Stiff?"

I bit my lip, "Want me to hold your hand," Jack cooed.

I glared at him, the looked down at the hole slowly I nodded, "I'll do it."

Mordu looked slightly surprised but shook it off quickly. I stood my legs wobbly I closed my eyes gulping. You jumped off a train Elsa you can do this, have to prove yourself.  I jumped and bit back a scream.

I waited for a hard impacted death anything but instead I hit something soft and bounced. My eyes opened to find myself on a net. A net I laughed. I didn't stop intill I was pulled off the net. My eyes met a girl with rather strange colorful hair.

"Name, choose wisely you only get to chooses onces," she smiled with her perfectly white teeth.

I thought for only a moment, "I think I'll stick with my original, Elsa."

"First jump Elsa!" She yelled, "Good luck."

"Thanks," I smiled, im gonna need it.


I stood watching as the new group of people I would be training jumped down landing in the net. The first jump was Elsa Arendelle, a blonde girl, with blue eyes, a Queen like posture,  and looked like winter if it were a girl, the second jump Jackson Frost also looked like that only if winter was a boy.

The third jump was Hiccup Haddock, who was quite tall but on the small side, fishbone in my opinion. Then came Rapunzel Corona who was like a golden flower in a large garden of purple flowers. Then came Mavis a pale girl who reminded me of a vampire.

After some more jumps, everyone was finally on the ground ready for a tour. I watched them start to walk off before I could turn to head to the training room I locked eyes with the blonde Elsa.

First jump, that was just a small ounces of bravery not that id call it that. I had been the first jump as well. It was nothing special, it just ment on simple thing. Your willing to take a jump into the unknown, something that could save your life but also end it.

Although that might seem like a big reason its not inless your willing to take leep again. And looking at Elsa I knew that she had to much fear to take another leep, in less she was pushed. Something told me I'd have to do it, I also knew id be doing a lot of pushing to this group id be trainning.

We looked at each other a moment,  I grinkled my noses and snapped my teeth as if I were a bear, or other aggressive animal, warning her to not mess witg me. I smirked as she flinched slightly before snapping her teeth back weakly.

Just as I turned around I came in faces with North, "So what do you think of the new faces of the factor?" He asked me.

"There not part of the factor yet, and not all are gonna, make it," I pointed, "In fact its possible none of them do."

"Well your job is to train them to be good enough to make it here Brave," he reminds me.

"Aye train them yes, but it not up ta me ta get them in," I tell him.

"Oh it has all to do with you," North tells me I looked up at the man, "No one is born a true fighter, there made one, and you have to make them."

"Aye might be the maker, but aye can't make a fighter if they weren't ment to be one." I turned away from North, "And so far, they ain't lookin anywhere close."

He laughed, "Whatever you say Merida..."

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