They finally made it to the Study where Harry was introduced to his grandparents. The Study contained a large desk, several pieces of nice furniture, some comfortable looking sofas and chairs, and a nice fireplace. He was surprised to see that his grandfather had hair much like his own and his grandmother had long dark-red hair. His grandfather had hazel eyes and his grandmother had brown eyes. His grandmother was very beautiful. "Hello Grandpa and Grandma! I have been waiting for as long as I can remember to get to meet you. Finally, at last! I realize that you are not the real thing and I missed out on that but I think magical portraits are the next best thing and I will take that over the nothing I have had for so many years."Harry's grandparents turned toward each other and smiled. His Grandma said to his Grandpa "Did you hear that? He called us Grandpa and Grandma. Isn't that the best sound you have ever heard?"
"Indeed, my dear, it is. My ears have never been so happy after all these years." He turned back to Harry and said, "Harry, my name is Henry James Potter and I am, as you already know, your grandfather. We are so proud of our son James and your mother Lily for giving us you. We are definitely not the real thing but our portraits are of the highest possible quality, so we are as close to the real thing as you can get." "Sweetie, my name is Elizabeth Marion Potter and I, of course, am your grandmother. I am so pleased to see you again. If I could exit the picture and give you a big hug and kiss nothing would hold me back," she said with tears in her eyes. "You can call me Elizabeth, Liz, Beth, or even Marion but if you want to continue to call me Grandma, I can guarantee you will never do anything wrong in my eyes."
"Same goes for me, son" his grandfather chimed in. "I do like the sound of Grandpa." Harry's Grandma continued where she left off. "You were only a baby last time but what a handsome boy you have become, just like your father. Oh, and those beautiful green eyes from Lily make you quite the catch. I bet you are real popular with the girls" she said with a wink.Harry smiled and blushed.
"Your grandpa here was an unspeakable and he still has a portrait in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic because they like to have his help on things. Because of that we know all about what happened to Sirius and that you had to go live with your Aunt Petunia. Now, don't get us wrong because we love Lily with all our hearts but that poor dear had the misfortune to have a sister and brother-in-law that are absolutely worthless. I do hope you were not treated too badly while in their care."
"Well, Grandma, I can't say it has been a great time but recently we came to a mutual agreement between us that will keep us both out of each other's hair. As a matter of fact that is one of the reasons I needed to talk to you guys and Simon. I have some questions that my parents said you and Simon could help sort out. Would that be okay? Could you guys help with a few issues?" "Harry you look a little thin but otherwise appear healthy. Do your questions have anything to do with healing?" "No, Grandma. No healing questions for now." "Then I will just sit back and stay out of the way while you chat with your Grandpa."
"Thanks, Grandma." "You're welcome, dear" "Harry, fire away I will help you in any way that I can. If we need Simon we will get his help as well. What can I do for you? All you need to do is ask" his Grandpa said smiling. "Okay, Grandpa, here goes." Harry paused then yawned real big. It was late and he was getting very tired. "Sorry about that. I have not been sleeping well and I've had a rather busy day." "Perhaps you should go to bed and we can pick this back up tomorrow, Harry. Mattie has a room all ready for you, right Mattie?" "That I do Henry. Young Harry can sleep in the Master suite and get himself a very nice rest tonight. I had Lucy get it ready." "Thanks, Mattie, you are very thoughtful but these things cannot wait until tomorrow. I have to get them figured out before I can rest. I will have to return to my Aunt and Uncle's by lunch and hopefully I will be able to work it out with your help so that I can stay here and not have to go back." "I see," said Grandpa. "Let's get to work then so you can get some rest."
"First," said Harry, "since I have to return tomorrow before lunch I was wondering if I could get help with the watch to add my bedroom at Privet Drive to the portkeys? Second, my mum told me in the memory they left me that when I was just a few months old they bound my magic because I was having big accidental magic bursts. They were afraid I would hurt myself or others accidentally. They did not bind it completely but they had plans to unbind it no later than the age of 10 so I could have a year to adjust to the extra power before starting Hogwarts. They were going to have me stay over here a bit that year so I could practice my magic without detection. It is fairly certain that my parents never got a chance to unbind my magic since they were murdered when I was only a year old."
"I am not certain if Professor Dumbledore discovered it and may have reversed it already but my mum said that when it's reversed she is sure I will have to lie down for a while to recover. Dumbledore may have or Madame Pomfrey may have during one of the times I was injured and unconscious in the hospital wing but I do not recall any time when I was conscious that I felt anything like that. So, what I want to know is how to check to see if my magic is still bound." "Lastly, in order for me to stay here, I need help with how to make my relatives think I am still there this summer. In addition, should Dumbledore, my friends, or anyone else that comes to visit me show up at the house I will need to be alerted so I can portkey back to my bedroom there and pretend I have always been there. I am not ready yet to let anyone else know of Potter Place. Can you help with these items?"
"Certainly Harry. Not a problem. I would like to consult Simon on some of this though to get his opinion. He is right handy with these kinds of things and often knows the best and quickest way to solve issues. Tell you what, have Mattie take you to the Library which is right next door and I will meet you over there. You can be introduced to Simon and we will work together quickly to solve your problems so you can get some rest."
"Okay, Grandpa. Shall we head next door to the Library Mattie?"
"Follow me." While they were heading to the Library, Mattie told Harry that she could tell him all the places and phrases to the different Potter houses that he can access via the watch. She suggested they do that tomorrow or another day when he was not so tired. Harry readily agreed to wait.
The Library was quite large. The bookshelves were from floor to ceiling which was at least 2 stories tall. There were rows and rows of bookshelves throughout the room. Every single one was loaded with books. Hermione would be in heaven here. On one prominent wall overseeing all the books was a large portrait of a middle-aged man, obviously a Potter with black hair and grey eyes. His hair was a bit longer and in a ponytail which made it lay down correctly instead of sticking up at odd angles like Harry's. Harry's grandpa had joined Simon in his rather large frame and was already filling him in on Harry's problems.
Simon saw Harry and Mattie enter the Library so he turned toward Harry and greeted him. "Harry, it is my pleasure to finally meet you. I have heard some great things about you and I have no doubt they are all true. I am Simon Ignotus Potter, your great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather." "The pleasure is all mine Simon. You do not know how long I have waited to be with my real family, to get to know them, and spend time with them. I am honored to make your acquaintance. My parents spoke highly of you in a memory they left me." "Yes, I spoke often with James and Lily. We shared a lot of information with each other. Your mum even consulted me on binding your magic because she wanted to make sure she left you a normal amount to use while growing up. I understand that you are not sure if your magic is still bound and would like to find out."
"Yes." "Okay, but before we go further there is something we need to take care of first. When you go back to your Aunt's house you may need to use magic so we are going to make sure you have a wand you can use that the Ministry cannot trace." "Mattie, can you pop back to the Study and grab the box of wands for us?" Mattie popped out, was gone for a few seconds, and popped back in holding an ornate wooden box. She placed it on the small table next to Harry. "Thank you, Mattie. Harry, inside this box are all the wands we were able to hang on to through the years. They were the wands of your grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, etc. In all of these Potter wands hopefully you will be able to find one that will be a good substitute for your current chosen one. If so, you will be able to use it when away from Potter Place and your magic will not be detected. It will be quite handy until you are of age and can use your own wand without worry. Open the box. Only a Potter can open it. It is locked with a very strong blood ward."
Harry reached over and opened the lid on the box. It was not even locked. Simon spoke up. "There was never any doubt about you being a Potter, Harry, but if there happened to be any doubt, that just proved you're a Potter and removed any possible case for doubt." "How so?" asked Harry. "The box was not even locked." "Close the lid Harry and I will show you." Harry closed the lid.
"Mattie, you open the box," said Simon. Mattie gave it her best try but she could not open the box. She then stepped back beside Harry. Harry walked up to the box again and he opened it without any effort. It appeared to not even be locked to Harry. "Blood ward, Harry. Only a Potter can open that box. Got it?" "I'm impressed" said Harry. Okay, that lesson is over" said Simon. "Let's have you try some wands and find one that will work almost as well as your own. Start with Henry's since he is closest to you then try Elizabeth's. They are all labeled in their separate holders. Too bad we do not have James or Lily's wands. I believe they might have been destroyed with the house. Otherwise we would start there. Typically the closest relatives work best, but not always." Harry looked in the box and saw that it was much larger internally than it was externally. The wands were all held in separate holders that were labelled with user name and description of the wand.
"There is an expansion charm on the inside to accommodate all the wands" noted Henry. "Any new wands that are added to the box will automatically be given their own space." "The box detects the owner and wand description then creates the label based on that info so you know the core, length, and wood used just by reading the label" added Simon.
Harry was getting a few sparks from his Grandparents wands but nothing like he gets from his own. Simon had him keep trying each time going further back to a more distant relative with about the same or less success. Finally Simon had an idea. "Harry, I have an idea. You are not having much luck and this is taking a lot of time. Your magic was bound and may still be. If so that would mean you are likely a very powerful wizard. I was a very powerful wizard in my day and never met anyone with as much power as myself. I am not bragging, just being honest. I would like you to find my wand and give it a wave." "Good idea, Simon" said Henry.
Harry looked further back in the box until he found the wand marked as Simon's. The label read:
Owner: Simon Ignotus Potter
Wood: Holly
Length: 12 inches
Core: Dragon Heartstring
Harry pulled it out and it felt very warm in his hand. He gave it a wave and sparks flew out just like his own wand. Harry smiled and turned toward a long aisle and cast a spell. "Expecto Patronum"
A large white stag erupted from the wand and ran down the aisle before turning back and walking back to Harry. It stood there for a minute looking down at Harry for direction before fading away.
Henry said, "Oh my word, Simon, did you see that? Harry is not quite 15 and he can cast a patronus like that? That is incredible Harry!" "Yes," said Simon. "That was one impressive patronus. I believe your dad's animagus was a stag?"
"Yes, I suppose that is why my Patronus is as well."
"When did you first learn to produce a full corporeal patronus, Harry?" asked Simon.
When I was 13, in my third year, there were a lot of Dementors at Hogwarts searching for Sirius who had escaped from Askaban. They affected me greatly. I would always hear my mum screaming and see the green light of the killing curse from Voldemort as he killed her and that same light coming at me when he tried to kill me as well. Professor Remus Lupin who taught defense that year taught me the spell so I can fight them off. It really came in handy when I had to save Sirius from about a hundred Dementors. My patronus was able to drive them off before they could perform the kiss and suck out his soul. I could not let that happen to my godfather. Besides, he's innocent." "13, huh? Now I am really impressed" said Simon. "I was 16 before I was able to produce a full corporeal patronus and driving off 100 Dementors is no small feat. I expect we will hear of great things from our very young, but very powerful, Harry Potter" he said to Henry. "If your magic is still bound then I think we are going to be in for one big surprise."
The Legends of The Potters
FanfictionHarry Potter is abused, betrayed, and confused.