Chapter One,

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“Hey Nicholas! Foods coming!” I rolled my eyes, I could hear that thirty seconds ago. Does he have to yell? Turning my head to the speaker I smirked. 

“Sam, I have ears, I've told you I'm not eating another person. I may be stuck in a hell hole, but human is disgusting. I find the mice and moles just fine.” I could tell he was frowning, but it wasn't like I cared. I pricked my ears as I heard the faint scratch of small claws. There's lunch. I stood and tilted my head, listening for the sound again.

“I can't see why you hunt. We all know you're hungry, even with the rodents you catch.” Sam said as he watched. I held my hand up and he was quite. I grabbed the mouse as it ran past my waiting hand. Got you. I thought as I grinned.

“Fantastic, how do you do that anyway? Your blind and they broke your leg pretty badly when they threw you down here a month ago.” I shrugged and limped to the heated stone, stopping at the very edge. One touch will fry me. Gotta be careful.  

“I fixed my leg after fighting you brutes off for one, and having always been blind. . .” Smoke, burning flesh, and screaming run through my memory. “Lets just say it's better you keep to your own crimes.” Sam sighed and left.Suddenly every hair on my arm stood up. Who's gonna try to kill me today? Tony, Erza, or Cross? 

I head butted the person on my left, who was trying the quiet approach. They know I can hear them. I'm blind not deaf! Then I froze. Damn, they must have teamed up! Backing up I put my back to the wall. Here I thought I wouldn't have to set my leg again this week. Shutting my eyes that always seemed to open themselves. I listened for the others. 

Sam's backed off, he won't fight me with the rock at my back. Erza is waiting for the newcomer. Cross is the one on the floor. Where's Tony? Pricking my ears, I heard the rock slip above me. Crap! Moving as fast as I could with my leg I dodged the person above me, an mhf sound came as they hit the floor. That was close. I've got to be more careful, especially with my leg.

Nails scraping down the vertical hole that lead here sounded. They'll die. By the sounds of it they've already given up climbing the round smooth wall of the shaft. Smart, but not smart enough. A panicked cry made me freeze. The things these people do. Even I wouldn't throw a kid down here. Not like it stopped them from doing it to me though right? 

At seventeen my life is down to hunting blindly for rodents and fighting off cannibals. It wasn't much different from anyone else either. We all were once young. Walking back to my now burned mouse, I ignored the newcomer and picked at the charred pieces.

A drop caused my head to turn. Not small enough to be a kid… Picking my ears and tilted my head in confusion as the second drop came. That sounded like Erza. 

“Back off or I'll kill you next. They didn't put me down here for nothing.” I laughed. Suddenly I'm interested in the new comer… 

“So what are you down here for kid? While you're at it describe yourself so I have a better picture. I know you're at least sixteen, with a shorter height, and you're not weighed down by muscle, so I'd say your agile.” I turned my head so he could see half my face, but I could hear him with ease. Not a quiet one are we? 

“How…” Footsteps approached me and Sam spoke.
“You know Nicholas, your face is covered in hair. It reaches past your waist. The kid can't see a thing.” I laughed, I've always kept it long so my black hair hid my cloudy eyes. I didn't know it had gotten quite that bad though.

“Tell me kid, is my hair actually cole colored or are they pulling my leg? Having been blind and all I've got no clue.” Hell the definition of color is lost on me. I don't even know why I'm asking. The kid took a few hesitant steps toward me, and Cross leapt at the body's of Erza and Tony. Simple minded cannibals. 

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