Chapter Two

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I stood a listened for footfalls as Gabriel made his way towards me. For the last two months we've planned and honed our skills. Gabriel had came from twenty feet to ten in six short weeks. Meanwhile, my leg had healed most of the way, and I was working on making my leg usable for longer then ten minutes.

Who better to teach him then a blind legend? “To my left at I'd say five to six feet away. Better but not enough.” Just as I spoke my leg gave out and I became a pile on the floor. Damn, under no stress thirty minutes. That's not going to cut it.

“Up you go.” Gabriel said as he pulled me off the floor. It had become routine for him to practice while I stood and tried to rebuild my leg muscle. “I got closer this time.” I wrapped my arm around his neck to support myself. 

“Not close enough. You have to be a foot from me to pass, and I have to be able to walk around for an hour without my leg giving out to even try going through that door.” 
“Let me try something. Stay on that wall and try to catch me.” I nodded and waited. Pricking my ears I waited. I didn't hear him till he was six inches from me.
“How did you do that?” I asked and Gabriel paused. 
“An old book was hidden it the pile this time. It had five spells and what they did in length in it. I didn't think it would work for me.” I held out my hands and Gabriel gave me the book. Assassins don't use any spells but distraction and shadow tricks, even then not everyone can use magic. Although I'm not surprised for Gabriel to be able to, he is immortal after all. 
I ran my left hand over the cover and nearly dropped it. How is this rearing its ugly head again!? On the cover a raised dragon with its head tucked under its one wing, talons curled, and tail shaped like an arrow head appeared. The last time I felt you was the day I laid waste to the city. What are you… 
“...olas? You okay?” Gabriel's familiar presents got close to me. I'd become fairly used to him touching me without warning but… my reflexes were kicked into overdrive. Gabriel landed with me on his back with my blade at his neck in less than a second. “Nicholas, calm down. Its Gabriel, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want the book.” I let him go realizing what happened.
“Have you seen the mark on the front of the book before? Anywhere?” I asked trying to regain control of myself. 
“No, I don't think so…” Gabriel scratched his head. 

“Wait, let me see that book again.” I handed the book to Gabriel and moved back to the wall sitting down. “Damn! How did I not see it before! That's the same Damn mark they tried to brand me with, that's the whole reason I'm down here!” Coincidence? Maybe… No definitely not. Something is working behind the scenes here.
“It's the same mark that I felt on a glass with some kind of poison mix that causes you to see everyone as enemies. I slaughtered an entire city because of it.” Gabriel stiffened next to me.
“Should we ask Sam? He may have seen the same mark before he was thrown down here three years ago.” Sam had only turned eighteen a day before he wound up here. He was accused of rapping a girl that he had never seen before. ‘Guilty until proven innocent.’ That was the king's words to him. Poor guy was accused of rapping the kings favorite nobles daughter. I sighed and stood up. 
“Let's go ask, there shouldn't be another ‘meal’ for a while.” I took a deep breath and pulled my hair back. “Sam! Come here for a second. Gabriel here will guard you meal for you.” Gabriel hissed at me. 
“Right, after I burn it.” I shot my ‘Don't test me’ look at his direction. “Fine, but I want more blood tonight.” I rolled my eyes, at least what felt like the right facial response.
From what Gabriel had told me, he was extremely attracted to my blood. I actually told him if he wanted an extra ten seconds he had to strip and walk over to the others. Screaming for him to put his clothes back on, and gah’s told me he actually did so. When he came back I was laughing so hard I fell to the floor and couldn't stop. I wonder if he'd do it again and announce he was available. I smirked as the thought crossed my mind.
“Fine, as long as you stop before I pass out.” I held my hand slightly above waist level and we shook on it. 
“Fine, send him over and I'll be right there.” called Sam. 
“Go on, I'll be perfectly fine. I handled them with a broken leg for a month remember?” I said as Gabriel shifted from foot to foot. A sigh and quick footsteps followed. Ten minutes later Sam slowed to a walk in front of me. 
“What is it? If you're after food I'm not giving mine up, you said you would rather be poked by a unicorn horn multiple times then eat human.” I laughed at the memory. I can't believed that he lied to me, that he hid an exit from me knowing I couldn't see it. No, bad me, away from those thoughts, people die when they make me lose my calm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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