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Madison woke up and sighed as she walked into the kitchen. She rested a hand on the small bump that was starting to form. She turned around and frowned as she saw kat who sat at the kitchen table. Madison frowned. She could see that she had been crying "mum, are you okay" Madison asked as kat shock her head "it's Alfie. He's gone" kat said as Madison looked to her shocked "what do you mean he's gone" she asked. "I don't know, he said he had to go and said that me and the boys are better off without him. I just can't believe he has actually left us" kat said as Madison frowned: she couldn't help but feel guilty over How Alfie had left even though she was relieved. She knew with Alfie gone the truth over the baby. How it was his wasn't about to come out. Madison walked over to kat and hugged her and smiled "it's all going to be okay" Madison said

"I just don't know why he left" kat said as Madison looked to her and smiled "it's because your amazing and you deserve so much better then him. He is an idiot for leaving you and the boys and your going to be okay. You have me and the rest of our family. It's all going to be okay" Madison said as Kat looked to her and smiled "what did I do to be so lucky to have you" kat said as Madison smiled feeling guilty. She felt as if she was a fraud especially after her and Alfie "I'm not that great trust me" Madison said as kat smiled "yeah you are. Trust me" kat said as Madison smiled. Madison couldn't help but feel guilty but knew she needed to try and forget Alfie was the father of her baby


Madison smiled as Mia walked into the flat and over to where she was "hey" Mia said as Madison looked to her and smiled "you okay" Mia asked as Madison sighed "I just feel guilty. My mum is lying in bed mourning the fact that Alfie left her and I am trying my best to be there for her but it's hard. I'm pregnant" she said as Mia looked to her and smiled "I know that your worried but there's only three people that know, you, him and me and i promise I'm not going to tell her. He took advantage off you. He watched you grow up and he still took advantage. It's all going to be okay as no one is good to find out" Mia said as Madison looked to her and smiled. She knew Mia was right but knew she still felt guilty over it all


Madison smiled as she walked through the square and saw kush. He looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked "I will be" she said as he looked to her and smiled "I want to be there for you Madison and the baby and I know it's not mine but I want to be there. I love you" he said as she looked to him and smiled feeling uncertain over everything

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