End of the World

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This chapter is still being revised, edited, and added to. We apologize for the delay in finishing it. Please enjoy what is posted so far. Thank you.

"Right then. Rose, Andrew, Charlotte, where do you want to go first? Backwards or forwards in time? Your choice."

"Forwards." Charlotte decided.

The Doctor placed something down on the console. "How far?"

"A hundred years. What do you think, Andrew?" said Rose as she watched the Doctor adjust the controls to where they wanted to go. Andrew grinned, nodding in agreement.

The Doctor landed the TARDIS and told them where they were.

"Step out there and it's the 22nd century."

"You're kidding me." said Charlotte as she looked at him in shock.

"That's a bit boring. Want to go further?"

"Fine by me." Rose replied, smiling giddily.

The Doctor again adjusted the controls pulling them forwards in time.

"Step outside, it's the new Roman empire."

"Is that meant to sound impressive?"Charlotte asked with a smirk.

The Doctor frowned and looked at them. "I am so impressive. Okay, you asked for it."

"You wish." muttered Andrew. He sent a smile in Rose's direction and the TARDIS began to move again. It landed and they both wondered where they were now.

"Where are we?"

The Doctor threw open his arms, gesturing towards the door. Charlotte, Andrew and Rose walked out to find themselves in a room, or was it a hallway? They walked down the corridor to see the Earth through the window.

"Wow, that's amazing. That's Earth."

"This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to end of the world." the Doctor said as they both look at him in disbelief.


Back on the ship that the Doctor, Rose, Andrew, and Charlotte landed on, ships fly in to dock as the four unwelcome guests walked down the hallway, listening to the announcement that came over the intercom.

"When it says guests does that mean people?"

"Depends on what you mean by people." The Doctor replied mysteriously as they carried on walking down the hall.

"Then what do you mean by people?"


They rounded a corner, Charlotte asking, "Why are they coming here? What is this ship for?"

"It's not a ship. It's a platform where they can watch the Earth get burned," the Doctor replied as he sonicked a panel.

Charlotte glanced at Andrew before looking around the room.

"Why would they do that?"

"For fun."

The foursome walked through a door, heading down a ramp.

"But why does it look like that? I thought the Earth shifted a bit."

"It did, but the Earth is a part of a trust and they moved it back. That's what Earth used to look like," said The Doctor as they gazed out the window to see the the planet.

"But I thought that sort of thing takes a long time, right?"

"Millions of years, yeah. But nature takes over and the Earth gets destroyed. See over there?" He gestured.

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