Chapter 4

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Lazy day.

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Aleks' POV:

After just sitting silently with the love of my life for...However long it was, we both started to grow awkward in the silence and so we made our way downstairs after I quickly got dressed.

I'm happy.

I'm so damn happy and the emotion feels foreign it's been so long. This stupid dreamy smile refuses to leave and even though I'm with James, I can't seem to stop slipping into daydreams about him. But the difference between the real James and my James is that one of them doesn't shy away from the closeness, look at me oddly when I stare, laugh uncomfortably when I let a compliment slip. And though the daydreams are bliss - they're nothing compared to the real James, the James right in front of my eyes. So I fight my conscience in attempt to stay in reality.

I'm sat on the tall stool, leaning against the counter with my chin resting on my palm and my eyes following the living definition of perfection. I had offered breakfast but he insisted. So I'm sat in the kitchen with as calm a composure as I can keep whilst internally, adrenaline fights with exhaustion. The smell of bacon and sausages intoxicates my senses even further and I hum, sitting up and fidgeting with anticipation.

"Smell good?" The black, messy-haired man asks with a slight smirk.

"mm." I simply reply.

"It'll only be a few more minutes, I promise. Please don't drool on our counter." He chuckles.

My smile grows. Today is going so well and I never want it to end. We have work tomorrow, awake by 7, at the Creature office by 9. I sigh and shake the thought, trying to focus on now. My stomach surprises me by groaning in demand of food and rather loudly at that, causing a faint blush to colour my cheeks.

"Alright, alright!" James exclaims, turning the hobs off and scooping the food onto two plates. "Here." He adds with a shake of his head and a smile, sliding a plate half full of food in front of me and falling onto the seat next to me, quick to eat his own.

I lick my lips and take the fork he hands me. "Thank you, James." I say softly with meaning, folding and stabbing a piece of bacon.

"Nyo problum." He says, his mouth already full of food.

I giggle and take a bite from the crispy bacon on my fork. I don't eat much these days and James knows this; only ever serving me a mild amount of food when he cooks so I don't feel even worse when I have to look down at the mountains that I couldn't eat. That and it'd be a waste, unless he gives the scraps to Ein, who he thinks is getting overweight. I really appreciate these little things James does for me, others would stare at me and my food as though waiting for me to either eat or explain why I'm not and friends who thought they were being helpful would yell at me to eat it which just ended in me vomiting the whole meal.

Though the food smells, tastes and looks real good - I can't eat it all. It's rather infuriating sometimes but it's the usual. I sigh again and gently place my fork back on the plate with a half eaten sausage on it, next to a pile of scrambled eggs.

"Want a drink?" He asks, already getting up and out of his seat.

"Oh, uh...sure." I say quietly.


I nod and he smiles knowingly. I only ever drink pepsi at home.

I look down at my food with my head slightly hung, hearing the fridge open and close before I see the plate being pulled from my field of vision. I look up at the tanned male and he looks back, sliding a can over to me.

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