Chapter 52 - insert

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Being Phana and Wayo

[Authors note: Does anyone want a detailed description of what went down when Phana broke daddy's rules...because Wayo's declaration of "over and over again" is quite the hint of what might have gone down that night!]

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Vote opened: 24th January 2020 Vote closing: 7th February 2020

[Author's Note: Vote results at closing: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Uhmm...musical? 0 55
The ayes take the vote again so here is my take on what two naughty boys deeply in love did while Wayo's father was asleep in a room not too far from them.


Wayo's POV

I had to call the gate and tell them to let P'Pha in but not to let him into the house until I gave the all clear. That night P'Pha decided to stay in my room. All the cloak and dagger stuff was a little fun but I was glad when my dad finally went to bed. I snuck P'Pha in and we headed straight to my room.

"I thought I was going to spend the night in the guard's house."

" dad was a little talkative tonight." I explained. "Are you okay?"

"Yes I am."

He knew what I was talking about but he still chose to give that answer. I didn't want to press him I wanted him to finally get a chance to relax. To just let everything go. But I didn't know how to do that. So even though I knew it was probably not the best thing I reached for him and pulled him into a hug. "I'm glad you're here."

P'Pha didn't even hesitate. His hands wound tight around me and his face was against my neck when he bent into my embrace. I held him tight waiting for him to let me know when it was enough but I didn't need a medical degree to understand when he let out a big sigh and I felt his body release some of the tension.

"I love you Yo." P'Pha said with feeling. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me."

I loved hearing his declaration but I hated that it sounded like he was preparing me for something bad. Maybe it had something to do with what had happened. Or what was about to happen. Or what was already happening right now. Like this was his way of letting me know I was going to have to deal with heartache in the future. I wasn't going to let that cloud our time together.

"Do you want to take a shower before we get into bed?" I asked casually. I knew he'd been uncomfortable outside and a shower would go a long way to soothing him so I handed him a towel and watched him enter the adjoining bathroom.

When I was sure he was under the spray, I quickly stripped out of my clothes. P'Pha let out a yell of surprise when I joined him. But a soft smile overspread his face. "What can I help you with?" He asked with a forced leer.

I didn't want him to feel like he needed to act around me. When I stepped into the shower stall with him, he moved to give me room and looked down at me. I reached for him and cupped his cheek. Never letting my eyes stray from his. "I don't know...what are you up for?"

He pinned me to the tiled wall with his body, making sure we were pressed together from thigh to chest. I rubbed gentle circles on his arms that were around me. I tried to relieve the stress by expressing my feelings through actions. My way of letting him know how much I love him.

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