Magical Tree Sap [18]

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Magical Tree Sap


Servants woke her up.

They rasped on Lanna's door and then burst in, moving to spread wide the heavy drapes on the window. Bright light flooded in and the young mage groaned, sinking further beneath her blankets in indignation. Just as she got a lick of sleep, morning had come. It seemed too unfair. The servants impatiently drew a bath and then wrested the covers, eventually leading Lanna to the washroom. She tried to insist on washing herself, unfamiliar with the sudden pamper, but many hands clasped around her and made her stay put as her hair was washed and her nails thoroughly cleaned.

When she was dragged to a full-length mirror, her reflection caught her by surprise. She wasn't dirty before by any means, but she certainly hadn't been glistening as she was now. The servants must have put something magical in the water because her skin glowed beautifully as if translucent and she smelled of blooming lilies. Her lips looked soft and her cheeks were rosy and flushed.

"A gift for you," a servant said, bringing Lanna a bundle of fabric neatly wrapped in red ribbon. She didn't think she could be any more surprised, yet here she was, taken aback. Who would have sent her the gift? Lord Harriot? Alderyth? She inspected the bundle but found no tag. When she opened it, it turned out to be a collared shift of prussian blue, elegant and form-fitting. She wore it without question and even tied the ribbon into her hair. She was turned out of her room by the servants.

"Breakfast is served below," they instructed. "We will begin to clean."

Lanna walked the long corridor lazily, stretching out her arms above her head. She descended the stairs to the entrance hall and was once again impressed by the affluent manor. Everything seemed more stunning, more glamorous, in the morning light. It took trial and error of stumbling into rooms until eventually she discovered the dining hall.

Large double frosted-glass doors greeted her. She gently opened one and surveyed inside. A long wooden table stood to its centre decorated with white cushioned chairs and gleaming porcelain vases of pink marigold. A low-hanging chandelier hovered above the tabletop, windows facing towards a back garden. Lanna realised that she would not be dining alone.

Lucien, dressed in black finery and golden jewels, sat at the head of the table. He glanced up as Lanna entered and ran his unnatural amber eyes over her. It was an intrusive look. They aren't like us, Nox had said. The words swam in her head as Lanna quickly entered the room and tentatively moved towards the occupied end. She drew a chair and sat, leaving a safe distance between herself and Lucien. The corners of his lips lifted.

"Good morning," he said, stirring a spoon in a bowl of creamy soup.

"Morning," Lanna murmured. A servant appeared from a well-hidden door with a serving tray. An identical bowl of soup was placed before Lanna, alongside shining cutlery and a cup of white tea. Lanna looked to the servant. "Thank you," she said. The servant paused, then quickly nodded, flitting back to the door like a mouse scuttling to its hole.

"How refreshing," Lucien started. "Not many nowadays are humble enough to thank a household servant. You surprised her."

"I think I'm just as equally surprised," Lanna scoffed. She tasted her soup precariously. It was delicious and hot. "I'm not used to all the cossetting. I'm exhausted being waited on."

Lucien let out a delightful laugh.

"A true worry," he joked. Then he leaned in close, so close Lanna could clearly spectate his long, dark eyelashes. She was envious. "I don't think we've formally met yet. My name is Lucien Luvis."

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