🌸 Chapter 01 🌸

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"We know everything!"

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"We know everything!"


Third year dorm,

Third Person's POV

"Visiting... 1-A dorm...? But why?" Tamaki asked as soon as Mirio told him about his idea. "Eri-chan is coming over there today and I was told by Eraser Head that she wanted to meet all of us, the Big Three!" The blonde-haired friend exclaimed, slinging his arm around his shy friend's shoulders.

Just the thought of visiting their juniors' dorm already sent shivers down to his spines. The anxious ravenette looked down to the floor, mumbling something under his breath.

"Tamaki, what's wrong? Stomach ache again??" Mirio asked, tilting his head to the side a bit before removing his arm from his friend's neck. "I-I'm fine..." The dark-haired boy lied, guilt panging his heart.

"Amajiki-kun! Amajiki-kun is in love!" Nejire suddenly sang cheerfully, clapping her hands while smiling at her friend. Tamaki's eyes shot wide open upon hearing her singing. "W-what are you t-talking about, Hado-san?" He asked the light blue-haired female.

"I mean you like Midoriya-san, didn't you? You always stutter more than usual when you are with her too!" Nejire exclaimed, tilting her head like a curious little girl. Tamaki's face burnt bright crimson. "Y-You are wrong... We are just... Normal acquaintances." He tried to defend himself, though he wasn't sure of his own lie.

"That is not good! Good boy don't lie! We know everything, Tamaki! You can't lie to us anymore." Nejire declared strongly, a wide playful smile spread on her cute face.

" "We"...? Mirio-"

"Sorry, Tamaki, but we are up ahead than you think!" Mirio laughed his heart out, amused to see his childhood friend all flustered and panicked. "Y-You two got it wrong... I-I don't like Mi-Midoriya t-that way-"

"See, you even stutter when you utter her name! Still want to lie to us, hmm?" Nejire teased jokingly just to get the poor bully victim of his own two friends to admit his true feelings.

Tamaki's heart stopped beating all of a sudden. His body turned white before his soul left its vessel. "Oh no- He is out again! Hado, get water for him now!" Mirio commanded, and Nejire, like a compliant child, went to the bathroom to get a bucket full of water.

The cheerful boy could only stare at his friend who was unconscious, a sad smile plastered on his face. "Well, it is only normal that you fell for her too..." He mumbled lowly, not intending to let anyone heard him.

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