Bella, or Flowerpower7999
Why she is amazhangggggg
She is the literal kween of emojis. Not gonna lie.
Bella is one of those people who always has the right emoji for any situation, and I honestly envy that quality about her. {if you've ever typed in the wrong emoji and turned a chill situation into all kinds of awkward, you know what i'm talking about.}
She is also currently trying to change her username into something along those lines, so expect that. To. Happen. Soon. Depending on how much of a pain Wattpad plans on being to her.
Other things? I LOVE her story plots. Especially her latest, Stephanie Foster.
One special thing about her: she, Ami and I happen to have the SILLIEST comment-thread-convos EVER. You think yours are weird? Nah, child, you haven't seen ours. We can make it both hilarious or just plain crackheaded.
(The crackheaded is more natural for us, though.)
Crackheaded to the extent which people seriously start worrying about our sanity, in case you were wondering.
So, that's how Bella's amazing. Go give her some love, y'all. You won't regret it.
This is Miyu, signing off!
[Comment and let me know who else to add to my list!]
Book of Appreciation
Não FicçãoThere are so many awesome peeps here online, who DEFINITELY don't get enough recognition and luv. So, this book is for all of them. Read on to enjoy!