3. reunited p1

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Richie had been driving for hours and had nearly crashed the car a thousand times. He had been driving for seven hours, he started at 12am and now it was 7am in the morning. The determination had really set him this far.. what if he had been hearing things and he never actually heard eddies voice. The doubt was starting to get to him but he reminded himself that he needed to grasp onto any little drop of hope there was. If Eddie was actually out there, then he needed to get to him as quick as he could. "Welcome to Derry" signs started to pop up everywhere, along with old bill board signs with graffiti all over them. A small shiver went down richies spine as he finally realized what he was actually doing and where he was actually going. Panic started to overcome his body, causing him to almost crash into a tree on the near side of the road. He swerved to the side and sped down the road. "Fuck!" Richie cursed, running a hand through his thin hair. It was only about another hour before he actually reached town. It wasn't much different then before, still the old haunted looking place that he grew up in.. and he hated it so much.. he hated that he let eddie die there. Richie gripped onto the steering wheel harder as he continued driving. Eddie could be alive.. but he didn't know how. Richie saw him get speared right in front of him and bleed out into his hands.. it was impossible.. but he was taking his chances. Richie knew there was only one place that Eddie could possibly be.. and that was the neilbolt house. Richie grinded his teeth together and continued driving, picking up speed. He wanted to get there quicker, have Eddie in his arms quicker.


Richie got out of the car and slammed the door shut, now walking on the white spray pain stained grass that outlined a construction area. There, where the neilbolt house use to be was now a house that was getting built, which Richie couldn't understand why somebody would ever want to live on top of a childrens' cemetery. "EDDIE!" He yelled out, but there was no response. "EDDIE! ARE YOU THERE!" Richie felt like he might break into a million pieces. Where was Eddie? Why wasn't he there in the place he died? Was this all just a cruel joke played by his own mind? Either way, he was pissed and broken hearted. Two men in yellow vests and caps came up to him and began to slowly back him out of the white spray painted line on the grass. "Sir, we're sorry but we are going to have to keep you behind the white line for safety reasons, we don't want you getting hurt on our site while we're building" one of them said, medium height, skinny, tan and blonde with an icy blue stare. Richie shook his head and tried to push through the two workers. "No! I need to find Eddie! He's here! Somewhere! I know it!" He cried. "Let me have eddie back you bastards!" Richie was forcefully pushed back to his car and given a warning note. "Sir, if you cross this white line one more time, we will have to call the police. We have no idea who "eddie" is and we haven't seen anybody walking amongst this area except for our own crew, now please.. keep back" the other had said. Richie gave them the stink eye and got back into his car, reversing from his spot and hitting all of their stakes that stuck out of the ground for pay back. The two men yelled at him from outside of that car, threatening to drag him out of the drivers seat but Richie got a head start and began driving away from the construction sight. He couldn't believe it. Eddie wasn't there.. but.. he heard the phone call.. and eddies voice was so clear! It had to be him. Richie began to sob again in his car. There was only one other place that Richie knew to search and that was the kissing bridge. It was the only place left that he had ever had a connection with or about eddie, except, Eddie never knew that he wrote their initials in the kissing bridge but there was a small hope that richie clung on to.


Richie was at the last place he knew where to look, the kissing bridge. He sighed and hopped out of the car, shutting the door carefully closed behind him. As he walked up to the bridge, he shouted eddies name constantly, but there was no response. "Eddie..? Are you here? Come on.. please.. I need you back" richie cried and continued to look for him but he was nowhere in sight. Richie collapses against the dirt and let his head rest against the long log that stretched across the bridge, tears rolling down his face. "You lied to me! You made me drive all this way just to play with my feelings! You liar!" He screamed and banged his bruised fists against the hard wood, giving his hand more hurt. Richie continued to cry like this, for ten to fifteen minutes, pure sobs. It was when he felt a warm hand rest on his shoulder that he stopped crying. A soft and recognizable voice was heard, one that he never thought he would ever be able to hear again. "Richie..?" He slowly turned around, eyes red and puffy. "Eddie..?"


TADA! Eddie is back! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please give me feedback!

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