Eyes (Leo)

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A/N: I had this idea to do stories about eye colors the boys may have, they don't match the photo I use exactly and if you have different ideas on their eye colors then that's fine this is my opinion. Please enjoy)

You've never felt so lost before, every nerve in your body was tingling. Electric fire in your veins, as time seemed to slow and sounds of the brothers excited shouts were muffled and distant. You know you should be watching the game they were playing like April was but one thing had every ounce of your attention.

Leonardo's eyes.

Bright red, like his infamous markings. The pools of hot fire shook your whole person, their hints of orange and yellow put you in a trance even Hypno-potamus would be jealous. Once his eyes had you the rest of him was only gunna make it worse.

His legs bounce around in excitement, his toned arms flexing and relaxing with every move of his soft hands on the controller, the markings on his arm move with his every action. You honestly couldn't find something about this turtle you did not adore. From each scuff and scratch on his shell and plastron to the tiniest of scars that resided on his body from stunts and fights.

April eventually saw you literally about to start drooling over the blue clad turtle so she nudged you with her arm. Seeing you jump to attention and turning to face her, she sent a knowing smile.

"(Y/N) you have got to talk to him about this, i was about to get a mop for all the drool." She looked past to you over to Leo, who including his brothers were still focused on their game. Letting out a sigh you looked down at the floor, you knew she was right but saying you need to talk to your crush and actually doing it were 2 very different beasts.

Eventually the boys decided to put a movie on, it was a Jupiter Jim movie but you didn't remember which one. It was already late so April and Raph started to lay out pillows and blankets for a sleep over in the main room.

You were so lost in thought on how to talk to Leon you didn't even notice when the movie ended until Raph's snores broke you out of your head. Everyone but you was passed out at this point with Mikey and April laying in a tangled mess of friendship on the floor, Raph face down next to the couch, Donnie in a lounge chair to the side and then Leon, laying on the couch. Blushing you tried to resist every urge in your body, but soon gave in thinking something like 'well Yolo as the Boomers say' . Carefully you swung you leg over Leo's and straddled him, taking a deep breath you lowered yourself, laying your head on his plastron and snuggling into his side. Leo (probably thinking you're Mikey) moves over a bit and lazily wrapped his arms around you, you swore your face was putting Raph's mask to shame at this point. Slowly you fell asleep, listening to his heart beat, as yours thumped in sync.

You sighed happily as you slowly woke up only to hear muffled giggling and shushes. You lifted your head up and rubbed your eyes, hearing a familiar voice.

"Good morning cuddle bug." Your head snapped to Leon, still under you.......

'OH FUCK THAT WASN'T A DREAM?!' Your mind screamed as you froze. Not even noticing the rest of his brothers and April slowly leaving the room.

You tried to move muttering apology after apology but his hands on your hips held you fast, damn his strength.

"Whoa whoa Bud hold up it's alright relax." His morning voice sent chills up and down your body, deeper then normal and oh so smooth. Honey and velvet held no fucking candle to this boys voice right then.

He didn't have his mask on, his eyes looked into yours with an actual genuine smile on his face. Those eyes had a spark you had never seen before, a crackle of something new. Like flint and steal, the sparks in his eyes captivated you more then ever before.

"(Y/N) would it be crazy if I told you I don't want to let you go, ever?" He let out a shaky breath, his eyes saying nothing but please. "I like you (Y/N) a lot, you probably don't- Mmph!" You cut him off, letting built up emotions drive your actions by practically attacking his lips.

He sat up, pulling you closer as his arms wrapped around you as if you could slip away from him if he didn't hold you. Fireworks, fire in your body ignited, every nerve, every inch of your skin was alive and firing all at once. The kiss was not very long but it left both of you breathless.

Looking into those half closed Crimson eyes you smiled. "I like you too Leonardo." You felt like you could get lost in the crimson orbs of his eyes till the end of time, until he jolted forward and kissed you again.

(OK Eyes part 1 is done! What do you guys think? I really like how this came out! Remember Requests are open!! :3 )

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