Chapter 1: The Spark, Part 1.

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"The Sky-World, The Valley of Clouds, The Forever-Floating Lands of Above, it is in-fact true, the place that I speak of goes by many different names that come from many different types of people, but I? I call it: Skyline, it's home to the majority of the most friendliest faces that I've ever seen, along with great scenic views and delicious flying-fish food, I know it might be a lot to take in, it's gonna be a new home for us both after-all, and well, you've never actually been there before, but, I think that you'll just love it up there."

— Professor Charles Chuck.


Time: March 2nd, 2015.
Location: Airstone-Town, The Fountain.
POV: Sonic Swift.

"Haha—" Sonic laughed out happily as he ran quick and free throughout the town, so free in-fact that he'd carelessly bump into other people, their filled shopping bags, even their own little stands and market-places, one of them in particular had been bumped into so quickly that the items on display had actually fallen out, causing apples, oranges and even bananas to come falling out onto the square-stoned floor of the street.

"—Gah!" The owner of the small stand yelled out angrily, not only was he rather frightened by the fast movement of the hedgehog child, but the fact that his stand had been ruined of its purpose, to sell clean and fresh fruit, was more than enough for him to grit his teeth and clench his own green gloved fists. "Hey! Get the heck back here right now!" He'd call out to the speedy blue hedgehog, all the while standing within the mess that the hedgehog had made, just a whole bunch of fresh fruit that was now wasting away upon the stone floor, the stand that was beside him he hoped would've made for a good money-making business, however, it wasn't going to go as he'd originally hoped.

"—Huh?" Sonic turned around and saw the little mess that he had accidentally made, "WHOOP— I . . . Sor-Sorry about that!" Sonic stopped running momentarily to stutteringly respond to the clear angry owner of the little fruit stand. As he stood still, he could see people giving him a look that made him look almost like the villain out of a cartoon show he'd watch on tv— he felt a little guilty, actually, Sonic almost felt like apologising to the angry owner, but once the blue hedgehog saw that same stand owner approach with an incredibly scary and even threatening looking face, Sonic couldn't help but just turn back around and run right off, rather frightened of the man, who up to now, had only seemed to have bad and big mean intentions for the blue speedy hedgehog.

Sonic ran as fast as he could possibly go, in the process, continuing to bump into more things, causing only more accidental mayhem within his blue zooming path, soon, just about everyone within the area of the town had an annoyed or irritated look upon their faces. "Ex-Excuse me!" Sonic stutteringly spoke out before vaulting over the head of a grey male wolf, causing their glasses to fall to the floor. Sonic's mayhem would ultimately come to a stop though, however it wasn't his own doing, the blue hedgehog was completely surrounded by a group of annoyed and even angry people, some who had their arms folded, several with fists in the air and few others who weren't as annoyed or angered as much, though were around to quietly observe. Those who observed did not know who exactly to side and empathise with, the child who wrecked havoc, or the people who may've been hurt but also had their shops closed down because of the blue speedy hedgehog's doing.

The wolf who had lost their glasses from the hedgehog's vaulting move, blindly looked around the warm floor below, before after what felt like a full minute, finally found and re-equipped his own glasses. After being able to see properly again the wolf then stood up and tall to look over towards the blue hedgehog boy with an angry look and a shaky hand, "HEY!" He'd yell out before yelling not too-long after again, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU LITTLE HEDGEHOG, YOU'RE INCREDIBLY LUCKY THAT YOU DIDN'T BREAK THESE YOU KNOW!" The wolf yelled out loud, almost directly in the face of the blue hedgehog, who really didn't mean any harm, but from his point of view, seemed like it was almost intentionally done.

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