Chapter 2

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[Name's POV

"Bye Solar!,Wish me luck on the tryouts!-That is if the let me"I said,As i scratched my cheek.Solar Just smiled

"Don't worry Princess,I'm sure you'll do great"And with that i got inside the carriage,A small smile forming across my lips.I waved at him while the carriage started moving.


I looked at the stable and walked past it,while clutching my books close to my chest.

Sighing deeply,As i looked forward once again and continued walking to my room.I entered the room and sat down on my sweet,My eyes turning to the window besides me.The other royals started entering the room,Finally the teacher.

Class was ok,We only learned about waltz and some basic etiquette.I almost fell asleep in class,But good thing i didn't.

I grabbed my books and headed outside the academy.Suddenly,I heard some kind of noise coming from the stable,At first i hesitated.

"What if Zachary and his gang are there?"I shook my head and sprinted to where the noise was coming from.

I opened the huge wooden door,And saw a horse,Ropes were wrapped around it's feet,I gasped and placed my books down.Rushing to the horse then getting on my knees as i untangled the ropes.

The horse calmed down and went back on it's feet,I smiled and started petting it's Black long mane.It seemed to relax at my touch,

"Don't tell me Zachary did this..."i mumbled.And then The huge wooden door swung open,Making me quickly turn around with wide eyes.

It was Zachary,But his other friends aren't with him...Good thing,I carefully took a few steps back.

"Well,well,well~,If it isn't [Full name]"He mockingly said with a smug,while his arms were crossed.

I suddenly felt a boost of confidence rush over me,As i answered back"What are you doing here,Zachary."

The Black haired male just laughed and took a step closer,He lifted my chin up with his index finger.I closed my eyes as i felt his breath close to my lips.

"Hmm?I should be asking you that question,[Name].What are you doing here?I already told you that princesses don't belong here."

I slowly opened my eyes,His Dark blue orbs Glowed,I bit my lip and turned to the other side.Avoiding his fiery gaze that could melt the fluff out of me.

Another laugh escaped from his mouth that made me hate him with a burning passion.

I wanted to Frickin slap him like there's no tomorrow,But i stopped myself.Then it happened,The horse that i untied earlier,headbutted Zachary on his side.The boy in response yelped in pain,His body crashing on the hays.

The horse looked at me and gestured it's back,I smiled an nodded.As i hopped on it's back.

"Guess I'm coming home early,Hiya!"The horse started galloping towards the wooden door.

The wind hits my skin,As my [Hair length] [Hair color] Hair flows along with the breeze.

I then saw Sir Nizaki,The music teacher of the academy.His gaze went to me,Eyes slightly widening.

Protect The Princess ||Boboiboy × Reader|| [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now