Chapter 7

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|Name|'s POV

"Star fall Kingdom."

"We've been allies for only 2 years bit ever since King frederick tried to steal this kingdoms most sacred treasure.Well,I'm not entirely sure since that's what my maids told me."

I went to the balcony and saw the carriage leaving,must be father...

"Anyways where's mother?i haven't seen her in a while,is she alright?"

"The queen is in her room,No guards are guarding her room at the moment,do you wish to see to her?"I nod and exited my room,ran through the hall ways and knocked on my mother's door,quake following.

"I-is someone there?"i could feel that she was trembling,so i opened the door,she was shocked to see me since tears started falling from her eyes.

My mother or the queen looked like a mess,Dark circles under her eyes,she had lost alot of weight . . .what exactly happened here?

"My dearest daughter,please come closer...mommy doesn't have much time left,"

I quickly ran up to her,"Mother!,don't say that!,I'll get you some medicine-Please!"

She coughed and layed down on her bed,i held her hand with tears wanting to fall from my eyes.

She then placed her hand on my cheek and caressed it,"N-no need to [Name],your father changed for the worst,have i told you about the kingdoms most precious treasure?"

I shook my head as she smiled weakly,"It's located somewhere here in the castle,don't tell your father and keep it safe.The library,go there and find some clues on it's whereabouts,I'll leave everything to you...[Name],"Turning her head towards quake who was standing at the door,

"Quake,i need you to do me one last favor,"

"Of course your majesty,"

"Keep my daughter safe,and help her in finding the kingdom's sacred treasure,i trust you,and your siblings.So don't let me down,"He nods.

"M-mother w-why are you telling me all of this. . .?"

"I don't have much time left dear,it's time for me to go,"She softly said with tears falling down from.her face,I quickly hugged her.

"Don't say that mother!,I'll find you some medicine!,Please just stay with me!,"I cried as my voice cracked with each word.Mother started rubbing circles on my back to calm me down it worked since i slowly fell asleep from crying too much.

Earthquake's POV

"I love you |Name| and never forget that..."The queen whispers at her daughter's ear before kissing her forehead,

"Quake,Take her to her room,please."

"Yes your majesty,"I slowly nod before carrying ||Name| in my arms,before i could go out of the room i took a glance at the queen for the last time,

She gave me a soft smile and mouthed

'Take care of her'

Nodding once again before i closed the door and headed for the girl in my arm's room.

Once i arrived,i gently placed her down.

"She's been through so much..."My hand made it's way to her cheek,i saw her slightly smile in her sleep.

'How could she be this strong?it's always a mystery even for me,'

||The Next day||

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