Chapter 18

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We walked into the party hand in hand, ignoring all the curious stares thrown our way and it felt oddly nice

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We walked into the party hand in hand, ignoring all the curious stares thrown our way and it felt oddly nice.

"Beer?" I asked him. "Oh, wait, sorry, I forgot that you don't drink. Uh, how about a glass of sparkling water."

"Yeah, sure." He grinned. 

But before I could lead him to the kitchen, his hand was abruptly ripped away from mine.

I turned around to see Courtney giving him a tight hug. "I have been looking for you, where have you been?" she asked pulling away from him.

"I had something to take care of, did you just get here?" he asked.

"No, it's been a while, come on my friends want to meet you," she said tugging at his hand.

"Court, I'm not in the mood to talk to them," he said.

"Oh Come on, this party was getting boring anyway, now that we both are here, we can spice it up a bit," she said taking his hand.

Childhood best friends and one of the most popular duo in our school, they both looked perfect for each other.
She wore a black figure-fitting dress with a sweetheart neckline. Her gorgeous strawberry blond hair was in a ponytail. She was elegant, stunning and too much.

People don't go out like that. They walked runways.

I didn't hear the rest of their conversation because I was already walking away from them and neither of them noticed.

He seemed at ease with her and I didn't want to intrude. But still, I felt a slight pang of disappointment, for some reason I could not comprehend. I shook the thoughts off my head and headed to where the others were and I found them standing where I had left them earlier, tucked away in a corner in the kitchen.

As soon as I rejoined the group Jace and Ash gave me a knowing smile, which I returned with a confused look of my own. What was that about?

" did go look for Tyler, " Jace came over and stood beside the counter I was leaning on.

"Yes," I answered, slightly hesitant. 

"And somehow you managed to even convince him and made him come to the party."


When he didn't say anything for a while, I turned to face him and he had a weird look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm just a little surprised."


"It's sometimes really hard to convince him when he makes up his mind about something. And he was pretty set on skipping the party today, he really was very upset."

"Maybe you underestimated my persuasion skills."

"Maybe I did." He smiled.

I couldn't hold the curiosity any longer so I asked him, "Jace, why was he so upset? What's going on?"

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