Chapter 7 - The Start

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South was sitting in the booth of a restaurant in her country, waiting on her food to come. She was blasting music in her ears and drawing some sort of anime girl.

Suddenly, she saw a white figure staring down at her bouncing excitedly.

"Heyo, Japan." South said, not looking up.

"Hi!" Japan replied happily, "Okay, I have a new OTP because my previous one is deeeeefinitely not working out."

South removed her head phones and looked up at the Japanese country, "What is it?"

Japan grinned mischievously at her, "Russia and Canada."

South thought about it for a moment, "I'm guessing RusAme isn't working out too well?"

"Oh, not at all. Hate each other as much as ever..." Japan paused, looking down, "But I have faith in this new one!"

"And why's that? Why would Russia be more likely to fall for Canada than America? They're both male, and Russia is as straight as a damn ruler."

"Some rulers bend, you know~"

South laughed, "Answer my questions."

"Okay, I saw the two of them at a recent UN meeting, and apparently they didn't know each other. Anyways, Canada is as sweet as sugar and could easily befriend that towering boulder of a country." Japan explained to the Korean.

"Sure, but sexuality?" South was still unconvinced.

Japan paused. Suddenly a grin crossed her face, an idea clearly in mind, "I can fix that, don't worry."


"And you TALKED TO HIM?!"

"Да, but he wanted to talk to me-"

"And you fucking LET him talk to you? LET him know things about you? He could be spying on you for that shit ass country down south of himself!"

Russia sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. I was being foolish, but it's too late now-"

Belarus was furious. His big brother - a country she had always looked up to - was talking to Canada. The brother of the Slavic countries' enemy. The son of Mr. TeaBag and Mrs. OuiOui. A North American. A country they had been taught not to trust.

Russia was talking and befriending this country.

"It is very much too late, but just stop talking to him. You hear me?" She was calming down, but wanted to make sure she sounded firm. Belarus learned from the best: her father.

Russia looked away shamefully. He had entirely forgot what his father had told him. But Canada didn't seem evil; he seemed as though he actually cared. A country that saw him differently. A country that didn't see him as the Soviet Union.

Sadly, though, it was against his father's wishes. He had to stay away from the maple leaf country, and that was the end of it.

Russia looked back up at his sister. Although she may be younger, she definitely still had that fire in her. Like father...

"Okay. I promise."


"I'm just worried about Canada..."

"Why? Is there something wrong with him? Is he okay?"

America stared down at him, confused to his sudden interest, "He's fine, technically speaking. It's more about his relations with... Someone..."

Mexico seemed anxious to know more, "Who? Please stop dragging this ou-"


Just with the Slav's name being spoken, the air became tense. Mexico opened and closed his mouth several times, almost as though he something he wanted to say but wasn't sure how to say it.

"He's befriending that commie, and I don't want him becoming... More than that with that dickhead." America glared at Mexico as though he was the one at fault, "Canada has never been in a relationship and the last thing I need it for him to be hurt. I want to protect him, even if he disagrees."

Mexico stared down at the floor and shot his head up to look at the American, "He's never been in a relationship? How?"

America sighed, "Mexico, focus."

"Okay, lo siento." Mexico shook his head, almost as though he was trying to clear his thought of the original question, "So you think Canada is going to or already is falling in love with Russia?"

America winced, "Yes..." He said slowly.

Mexico nodded, "And you want to keep him away from him? To protect him?" He said it more as a statement, thinking out loud.

America was getting impatient, "Yes! And don't know what the hell I'm going to do!"

"Okay, okay... I have an idea, but I'm not too sure if you'll like it much better."

"Anything works right now!"

"Okay..." Mexico took in a quick, sharp breathe, "I love Canada."


sORrY fOr tHE shOrT cHAptEr, iT's mORe oF a FiLlEr tHan ANyThInG-

This chapter is leading up to a few other chapters I'm working on, which explains the choppiness, shortness, and the amount of cliffhangers in this chapter. Along with it being a filler to prove I'm not dead.

Also, as a response to someone who had told me to take my time, I know I should, but... I have far too much inspiration. I told myself the same exact thing, but I had some free time to do things and plenty of ideas..

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, despite the trillions of cliffhangers!

Хорошо пока!

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