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(A.N.-Hope you all enjoy!)

"Papa! Daddy! You're back!" Hitoshi cried. Hitoshi jumped on Hizashi and Hizashi almost lost his balance at the force of the child throwing himself on him. Hizashi giggled as he took Hitoshi into his arms.

"You'll have to be quiet, kitten. Izuku's sleeping right now, and he's had a very long day." Yamada whispered to Hitsoshi. Hitoshi looked over at the boy that Shota had gotten out of the backseat curiously, eyes brightening.

"Do I get a brother?!" Hitoshi asked excitedly. Hizashi smiled at Hitoshi as he carried him inside, where Nemuri was waiting. Nemuri walked over to Hizashi.

"Well, if you no longer need me, I guess I'll be on my way." Nemuri pouted. "Wait, did you bring home another kid? Never mind, I don't want to deal with this right now. We'll talk later, 'Kay? I gotta get back home to Yuu. I'll see ya." Nemuri said as she walked past Aizawa and Izuku and out of the door.

Aizawa walked to the spare bedroom and laid Izuku down gently on the bed and pulled the covers over his small form. Aizawa hummed as he did all of this and walked out of the room, leaving the door slightly cracked open.

Hitoshi was very excited about the prospect of getting a sibling. 'I get a new brother!? That's so cool!' He thought. "Does Izuku get to stay with us now?" Hitoshi asked his Papa.

"Well, he does if he wants to. It's completely up to him, but we were wondering if you would mind us adopting him? Only if you both want that, of course!" Hizashi rambled.

"Yes! It'd be so cool to have a brother! We could play games and take naps together!" Hitoshi agreed.

Hizashi visibly relaxed as he sighed and gave a light chuckle. "Yes. You could do that. But for now, you're heading off to bed, kitten. It's past your bedtime." Hizashi said in a commanding voice, but he had yet to perfect it to be as effective as Shota's.

Hitoshi groaned as he pouted in disdain, not wanting to go to sleep right now. "But Papa! I don't want to sleep right now!" He argued.

"Now, 'Toshi, that's the reason you're so tired during the day! It's not healthy to nap during the day and stay up all night for someone your age! Now go, mister! I'll be there to tuck you in in a moment." Hizashi reprimanded.

The young boy dragged his feet all the way to the bathroom to wash up. Hizashi could hear him grumbling to himself about mean blondes and Hizashi laughed quietly.

Shota walked into the room and pulled Hizashi into his chest by his waist. Shota started lightly kissing Hizashi's neck and turned Hizashi around to kiss him on the lips. They met in a short, but passionate kiss. Just as they were about to go in for a longer, more heated kiss they heard Hitoshi make a noise of disgust as he announced his presence. 'What had his life come to? Cock-blocked by a child.' Hizashi thought. 'Your child,' an unhelpful part of his brain chimed.

Hizashi ducked his head for a moment before turning around and taking Hitsoshi to bed. Hizashi scooped his son up into his arms as Hitoshi giggled and hugged his neck, burying his head in Hizashi's silky strands. Hitoshi sighed and yawned as he slumped against Hizashi. Hizashi smiled tenderly as he took him to his room.

Hizashi set Hitoshi down gently on the plush bed before pulling the covers over his small form. Hizashi turned on Hitoshi's nightlight as he left the room and went back to Shota. Shota smirked at Hizashi's return and went back to kissing as Hizashi's neck. Hizashi yawned and Shota glanced up, amused. Hizashi blushed and Shota chuckled before kissing Yamada lightly on the lips and leading him to their bed to finally get some rest from their hectic day.

About an hour after they laid down the door to Aizawa and Hizashi's bedroom creaked open and Hitoshi crawled into the bed in between Shota and Yamada. Hitoshi immediately cuddled up to Shota and fell asleep to the wonderful smell of lemongrass and lavender. Hizashi woke up when Hitoshi entered the room, but knew that when Hitoshi wanted to sleep in their room he always had a reason, so Hizashi let him stay. Hizashi drifted back to sleep and let his dreams pull him into a completely new world where he actually had the free-time to go out on a date with Shota, just the two of them. Best. Dream. Ever!

Almost two more hours later and the door creaked open again, this time more hesitantly. Hizashi blearily looked up, still half-asleep. Izuku seemed embarrassed and unsure of himself.

"I was, um, wondering, if it would be okay if I were to, maybe, sleep with you tonight?" Izuku stuttered, his old confidence and no-filter attitude completely replaced by a boy who didn't know what to do with himself.

Hizashi opened up his arms and Izuku walked over to him. Hizashi lifted Izuku onto the bed and laid him down in the spot between himself and Hitoshi. Izuku hesitantly cuddles up to Hizashi, who squealed mentally, and Hizashi cuddled back. Hizashi noticed that Izuku was shaking so he started rubbing soothing circles into his back. Pretty soon, Izuku was passed out on top of Hizashi with Hizashi following closely behind. They all dreamed of being together as a family that night.


Shota woke up with an armful of brat. Oh great. Shota groaned as he tried to go back to sleep, but heard Hizashi bustling about in the kitchen and couldn't just let him cook by himself. As much as he wanted to. Aizawa carefully extracted himself from Hitoshi and watched as the boy groped around for his missing warmth, found Izuku lying on Hizashi's side of the bed, and immediately wrapped himself around the other boy. Wow. I don't even know when they got in here but that is just adorable. After snapping a quick picture of the moment, Aizawa left the bedroom and walked to the kitchen.

Aizawa snuck up behind Yamada and wrapped his arms loosely around the others waist. Aizawa nuzzled into Hizashi's hair as he asked the blonde if he needed any help. The blonde told him to cook the eggs while he did the pancakes. Shota followed his orders and started scrambling some eggs as Hizashi made blueberry pancakes.

"You're really trying to impress him, aren't you?" Aizawa asked Yamada as he continued to scramble the eggs.

Hizashi turned bright red and started mumbling quietly. "Hmm?" Aizawa asked smugly.

"Fine! Yes! I'm trying to impress him so that he'll want to stay here with us." Hizashi grumbled.

Shota finished with the eggs and went back to his position behind Hizashi, snuggling against him and enjoying the smell of strawberries that came from Yamada's silky strands. "'Zashi, you don't have to be nervous. If Izuku wants to stay with us, then he will choose that, whether or not we give him blueberry pancakes or not." Shota said into Hizashi's ear.

"But the pancakes would definitely help!"Izuku piped up from behind them, dragging a bedraggled Hitoshi behind him. How Izuku even got Hitoshi out of bed was a mystery to Shota. Shota smirked at that statement and Yamada turned a lovely pink, complementing his frilly apron that Shota had gotten him for Christman last year. 'So cute~' Aizawa cooed in his head. 

Izuku dragged Hitoshi to the dining table and got him to sit down, and then sat next to him. Aizawa carried the scrambled eggs and milk while Hizashi brought the pancakes and syrup. Aizawa went to go pour himself a cup of coffee that Hizashi, being the angel that he is, already made for him. They all sat down together and Shota and Hizashi put food onto all of their plates and let the kids prepare it however they wanted. Izuku immediately went to the syrup while Hitoshi just put some butter on his and ate them the way they were.

Hizashi looked at Izuku hopefully and smiled. "So, do you want to stay with us?" Hizashi asked Izuku. Aizawa and Hitoshi looked up from their meals to hear his answer. As Izuku looked at Hizashi, with his kind eyes, and Shota, with his messy hair and pink sweatpants, and Hitoshi, with his face stuffed full of food and his dark eyes hopeful, Izuku never felt more at home.

Izuku turned back to Hizashi and nodded his head, and Hizashi squealed as he ran around the table and hugged the life out of Izuku. Aizawa did not react this way, but Izuku could tell that he was immensely relieved and pleased. Hitoshi got up from his seat and made his way over to Izuku and Yamada and joined in on the group hug. Hizashi made grabbing hand at Aizawa and did his best pout that always ensured him victory, and soon, the entire family was huddled together, all thinking that their family was finally complete.

That is, until they met Eri.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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