Chapter One

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Hazekit woke up to the sound of Sorrowkit--her brother--complaining about not being allowed to go outside of camp. We only have to wait a short while, Hazekit thought. She wondered about who would be her mentor, she hoped it would be an awesome warrior.

"Auntie! I mean Maroonpelt," Hazekit wanted to sound older than a kit, "Tell me another one of the stories about brave warriors, please!"

Maroonpelt walked back inside the nursery, "Hazekit, why don't you just play with the other kits, I'm sure Sorrowkit would be pleased to have you,"

"No! They don't play fair, anyways the more stories I hear the smarter Warrior I'll be, therefore a better one," Hazekit said like she was above the other kits.

"Hazekit, go play with them, I don't have stories to tell you right now," Maroonpelt said sounding tired.

"Or you just don't want to, you are no fun anymore!" Haze kit stormed off, she knew her aunt favored Sorrowkit better. Sorrowkit just caught a mouse, good job Sorrowkit! Then she catches a bird, oh what have you done now you got feathers everywhere go bury that thing. It's just no fair she tries everything to get her aunt to approve of her, but all she gets is disapproval. Her brother sneaks out of camp and she goes to get him back, she gets in more trouble than him!

"My aunt just doesn't love me the way she loves him, she even likes some of the other kits more than me!" Hazekit mewed in despair, not hearing another cat approach.

"Hazekit, why don't you come for a walk with me," The other cat said startling her.

"Why, so you can tell me how Maroonpelt tries her hardest, but she doesn't! She may with Sorrowkit but not with me! I try ten times harder than him, but everyone still favors him! To them I'm just the kit who tries to be better than her brother! But does he know the fighting moves I know? Does he know the hunting skills I know? Does he pay attention to what goes on inside the clan? The answer to all those questions is no! But for me it's yes! Why can't anyone see that!" Hazekit said fuuriesly to the other cat--Featherpelt the clan deputy.

"Well Hazekit how about you come prove all of that to me, if you come with me," Featherpelt said to Hazekit issuing a challenge.

"Well alright, but only to prove my skills," Hazekit said excitedly.

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