Touchdown Bondi

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                  Picture is Kenzie and Kaleb!

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Picture is Kenzie and Kaleb!

Kenzie's POV

Stepping out of the four by four, I smile as the hot air of Bondi brushes my cheeks. I look up at the house I'll be sharing with my twin brother Kaleb. I know it's not the norm and people might think it's weird to buy a house with your brother but we're super close and we've only just turned 21. Plus it won't be forever.

It's a pretty decent size, 3 bedroom, not too big so I don't feel lonely when Kaleb goes on some surfing trip.

"You ready kiddo?" I hear my brother say from the other side of the car, holding the keys to our new home in his hands.

"Ugh you're older by 3 minutes, give up already!" I exclaim smiling as I walk over and snatch the keys out of his hands.

Letting myself into our new home, I went straight for the balcony. This was the main reason we bought it. Opening the doors I walked out and was mesmerised by the view.

 Opening the doors I walked out and was mesmerised by the view

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"Wow." I breathed.

It's about 9:30am and the beach isn't too busy as it's a Thursday so most kids will be in school. But I saw some people sunbaking and a few surfers in the ocean, the waves were pretty big.

Feeling an arm wrap around my shoulder, I look up seeing Kaleb who was taking it all in.

"It's going to be awesome waking up to this every day." He grinned.

Back in Melbourne we didn't live so close to the beach which was a bit of a pain considering we're both competitive pro surfers.

"It sure is." I grinned back.

"I know you didn't really want to leave Melbourne.. but Mum and Dad are with us wherever we go." He said. "I promise."

"I know." I smile. "Hey, fresh new start ay!"

After bringing a few boxes in from the car I sat down on the balcony, looking out into the ocean.

"Wanna go for a surf?" Kaleb cut my thoughts off with a smirk on his face.

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