Trouble Attraction

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Kenzie's POV

It was about 8pm and I stupidly decided to go for a pretty long stroll earlier and now I have no idea where I've ended up.

I was thinking about what life would be like, being a lifeguard. Working at the beach everyday would be awesome. But obviously there are grim parts to the job.

"What do you want weirdo?" I answered the phone to my brother.

"Where are you? You've been out for ages and it's late!"

"Aww are you worried about your sister?"

"Ha no! I'm just wondering why I had to make dinner by myself."

Sibling love.

"Very good." I fake laughed. "I'll be back soon, keep your hair on. See ya."

Hanging up the phone, I turned round to walk back the way I came when I bumped straight into something or someone...

"Aren't you a pretty little thing." The guy I bumped into smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile, he looked strange. He had two companions on each side of him as well. "What are you doing out here all alone?"

"Leaving." I mumbled, quickly turning around to make my way home. What way that was however, I didn't know.

"I don't think so." He said grabbing my arm and squeezing it tightly. I winced.

That's gonna leave a mark.

"Why don't you come with us eh? Have some fun?" He winked sloppily and I could smell the alcohol off his breath with each words as his face got closer to mine.

"Just leave me alone!" I exclaimed loudly, trying to get away but the other two guys grabbed me.

"Oi, what the hell you doing?! Let her go!" I heard a voice shout in the distance, I watched as a large man approached with 2 others behind him.

"Get your hands off her." The first guy exclaimed as he roughly pushed the guys off me and pushed me behind him. "You're scum! Get outta here, if I see you in Maroubra again, this will be the last place you ever see, got it?"

My 3 attackers scampered off seeing this guy and his two approaching companions were no match for them.

"You alright? I'm Koby." His two friends had caught up to him by now. "And this is Matt and Jesse."

I turned round hearing the familiar name and there he was, Jesse Pollock from Bondi.

"Kenzie?" He questioned.

"You guys know each other?" Koby asked.

"Yeah, remember I told you about that awesome board?"

Oh here we go with the board again lol

"Oh yeah!!" Koby smiled. "Awesome work by the way! You sure you're okay though?"

I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine, thank you for showing up when you did."

"No worries! A friend of Jesse's is a friend of mine!"

"What brings you to Maroubra anyway Kenz?" Jesse asked, probably very confused.

"I had no idea where I was." I chuckled. "I just went for a walk and this is where I ended up, I guess I got quite far huh?"

"Just a bit." The third guy, Matt, laughed as Jesse and Koby looked at me as if I had 3 heads.

"Come on, it's getting dark, I'll drive you home." Jesse smiled.

"It's okay, I don't mind the walk."

"After what just happened, I don't think so! Plus it's nearly a 2 hour walk! Come on." He insisted.

"Alright, alright." I laughed. "Bye guys, it was great to meet you."

"You too Kenzie!" Koby and Matt waved at me as we walked towards Jesse's car which was a short walk away.

"You're a little trouble attraction aren't ya?" Jesse grinned at me once we had got in the car and set off for Bondi.

"Hey, it's not my fault." I grinned sheepishly.

"Of course not." He laughed.

Jesse's POV

I was in the lifeguard tower with Reidy, Whippet and Maxi, the beach was pretty quiet for now but it was still early.

"I was hanging with Koby last night in Maroubra and you won't guess who we bumped into."

"Beyoncé." Maxi laughed.

"No you goon, Kenzie."

"What the hell was she doing in Maroubra?" Whippet asked astonished.

"She went for a walk and didn't realise how far she got. It was Koby who saw her, she was getting harassed by 3 dudes, had their hands all over her."

The guys looked angry. Hoppo had just walked into the tower and looked pissed as well, having heard what I said.

"Is she alright?" He asked before any of the other guys could respond.

"Yeah, I got her home safe, one of them grabbed her arm pretty hard though, it'll bruise for sure." I sighed.

Hoppo shook his head and walked out of the tower, not looking too happy.

"Wait Hop!" I shouted running out the door to catch up with him. "Kenzie actually said she wanted to talk to you about something, I'm not sure what but I said I'd let you know, I can text her if you want?"

"Oh..." He looked a little confused. "It's okay I'm sure I'll see her today or tomorrow."

I nodded, heading back into the tower hearing the guys still in conversation about what happened with Kenzie.

"Poor kid can't catch a break." Reidy said.

"Not the nicest welcome to Bondi." Maxi sulked.

A knock at the tower door interrupted us, I turned round to be greeted by Kaleb.

"Hey guys, hope you don't mind me popping in."

"Not at all, you alright?" Reidy asked.

"All good!" Kaleb smiled before turning to me. "I just wanted to say thanks to you for last night, Kenzie didn't wanna tell me what happened after I saw her arm but she told me you and a couple of your friends helped her, I owe you man." He shook my hand.

"Nah don't worry about it, you guys are our mates, I'm just glad she's okay." I smiled at him.

"I have a feeling that won't be the first time one of you guys need to save her." He laughed. "She's a trouble magnet."

"All part of the job mate!" Whippet grinned.

We all laughed before Kaleb left and we got on with another day of saving lives at Bondi Beach.


long time no see guys!! ✌🏼
firstly I'm so sorry this book hasn't been updated for a millennium.
during lockdown I struggled a lot with my mental health therefore couldn't find motivation to continue writing, but now I've decided to get back to it as it gives me something to focus on.
I hope you are all well and safe❤️

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