chapter 3: do you wanna be in a snapchat with me?

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We make it to the club and soon find ourselves inside on the dance floor. The music is so loud I can barely hear Alex ask me a question. I just nod and he walks away. I stay and dance by myself, enjoying the music, swaying my hips to the beat. I was having fun but a pair of hands snake their way around my waist and they pull me backwards causing me to slam into the body. My eyes widen and my body stiffens, making the grip of the hands tighten. I grab the hands in attempts to pull them off but the hands owner's face buries itself in the crook of my shoulder and starts leaving little kisses on my skin. I begin to thrash around trying to free myself from this creep's arms.  I break free and run to find Alex. I push through the sea of people and make my way to the well lit bar and lean over it. My chest raises and falls quickly, I have had to many bad experiences with being touched like that. No, I wasnt molested, but in my foster houses I made the mistake of dating some bad ass guy who would always end almost raping me practically. So I dont take kindly to stangers grinding me. I rake my hands through my hair and sit down. I rest my chin on my hands after ordering a beer. A hand taps my shoulder, I sigh and look up expecting to see the creepy dance guy, but I see so a pale boy sitting next to me. His green eyes filled with slight worry. "Are you okay?" His raspy voice finds its way to my ear. I sigh, " yeah I guess. Some creepy guy was dancing with me and was really clingy."  Michael looks relieved, "thats better than what I was thinking."  I gasp and say, "oh no. Nothing bad happened."  He taps his chin, hums to himself before he figures out what he was thinking about, "you look really familiar, have I seen you someplace before?" Before I say anything, he shouts " dont tell me. - the record store!" And snaps his fingers. I nod. " and if my memory serves me well, I think its your birthday today."  I nod again. "I turned 18."  " I turned 19 yesterday." "Well happy day late birthday." I say even though I knew it already. My drink arrives and I take a gulp or two before putting it down.  I laugh and Michael looks at me quizzically, "I thought my first legal drink would taste better."  He laugh huffs and shakes his head. " so are you doing anything special tonight?" He asks in a polite manner. " nothing too extravagant. After this my best friend Alex and I are heading to Maccas then back to his house. Its gonna be fun." I respond. "Well thats good." His eyes fixed on my wrist. "I like you're tattoo." He finally says after a pause. My fingers immediately go to my small foot prints tattoo in my wrist and start rubbing it. I smile "thanks. Its from Harry Potter. Wanna see something cool about it?" He nods. I walk over to a dark corner and show him my wrist. In the dark, the luminescent writing of 'I solemnly swear that i am up to no good.' appears. I see his eyes widen and he runs his fingers over it. "H-how does it do that?" I laugh "its glow in the dark ink. I have to get get it re done in a few months though because it doesnt hold as long as regular tattoos." He nods " this is probably the coolest shit ive ever seen."

We walk back to the bar  "So Michael. Do you have any plans after this?" His eyes widen at the use of his name. "H-how do you know my name?"  " oh"  I say shocked. "I-im a big fan of Tainted Revival

. You guys are my favourite band."  A relieved  look washes over his face. " oh that makes sense. I always forget im in a popular band. It still doesnt register that the band had gone big." He rubs the back of his neck. "I really apperciate that you arent freaking out right now. It still scares me at what the fans do when they meet us." I chuckle because I know what they do, like fainting, crying,  basically attacking the band. it gets pretty chaotic sometimes. "Well i may be freaking out in the inside though and this may or may not be the best day of my life."  I say shyly. " do you want to go outside?  I need some non- sweaty air." He laughs while pulling my hand in the direction of the door.

Once outside, I take a deep breath and lean against the wall.  I pull out the cigarette I got from Alex earlier and ask Michael for a light.  Soon there is smoke flitting through the air. The familiar tobacco smell instantly brings me comfort as it is inhaled into my lungs.  a surprised look washes over his face, I look at him with a cocked eyebrow. "You dont look like the type to smoke." He finally says. I nod,  ive heard that alot. I started when I was 15.  " I dont smoke regularly. Just to calm my anxiety and stuff. Im not the one that smokes like 3 packs a day. Probably a few cigerttes a week depending on whats happening." The quizzical look is replaced by an understanding one.  Puffs of smoke are exhaled through ny nose and into the brisk night air. I look to the sky and watch the stars. "Say Caytlin," Michael says, I flinch and look to him' " do you wanna be in a snapchat with me?" I smile " sure. Is it serious, funny or what?" "Funny." He says and pulls out his phone and opens up the camera. I stick my tongue out and he scrunches up his face and snaps the picture. He types on a caption an I swear I see him tap the save button. "Michael you never answered what you are doing after this?" He sends the picture off and turns to me " I think im just going back to my house and play FIFA." I nod. "That sounds like a great way to spend a night." I move the burning cigarette towards his direction offering him some. He accepts by taking it from me and closes his eyes as he brings it to his pink lips.  My phone starts to vibrate in my clutch and I pull it out to see that Alex is calling. I slide the answer button and turn away.

" hey Alex whats up?"

"Where are you? Its 1 am. And Im hungry." I laugh into the receiver. "Of course you are. Im out in front of the building. Meet me here and we can go."

" ok see you in a few minutes."

I hang up the phone and face Michael. "Alex is gonna meet me here in a few Minutes. We're gonna leave." He pulls a cheesy frowny face. "Aw. Ive enjoyed talking to you. Wait. May I have your phone for a moment?" My eyes widen. "Uh sure." I hesitantly unlock it and hand it to him and he opens up snapchat and he adds his user name and motions me to get in the picture and sends it to my story with the caption "met the most awesome person tonight!!'  I laugh as he hands it back to me with Alex walking out the door. "Hey Alex!" And wave him over. "Well I guess this is good bye Michael." He smiles cheekily. " for now." Thank goodness for the dark of the night because im blushing so hard. 

I walk off with alex to his car and inside he says "get some Caytlin." Wags his eyebrows and turns on the radio. I laugh nervously as we drive to Maccas in silence.


So theres the 3rd chapter. Hope yall like it. I tried my best. More to come soon sorry it took so long for an update. I got lazy.
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Emily Elizabeth xx

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