Chapter 2: "Warm" Welcome

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Luna's POV

W-what did I just do?!?! One second, he was jumping in the cage, then he lays unconscious on the ground?!?!? What the heck? Everyone has shock painted on their face. Some people went to help the guy, others looked at me with scared faces. I was also scared of myself. For a couple minutes, we just stood there in shock. After a while, I decided that I was gonna say something. "I-I'm so sorry." A dark skinned boy, he looked more like an adult, commanded "Carefully, Medjacks, take Gally to the Homestead. Minho, try to grab her." Grab me?!?!?! An Asian guy I assume is Minho, nodded his head. He was then reaching his hands towards me, and in panic, I brought my arms like I did before and a force pushed him backward.
I took that opportunity, and jumped out the cage. I ran as fast as I could into a forest. I looked behind me and Minho was a good distance away from me. What are they going to do to me if they catch me? Are they going to kill me for what I did? How did I do that? I found a tall tree, and I climbed it. I tried to be as silent as possible. I found a high spot, and stayed there. I saw a figure, assuming it was this Minho, and stayed quiet. "Shuck!" He said out loud, then ran in the direction we came from.

Minho's POV

Dang it! She's really fast! Where did she even go? The Glade isn't even that big! I run over back to Alby, which was standing next to Newt. "Sorry Alby. That shank is shucking fast! She's probably hiding somewhere in the forest." "Let me try. I'm way more gentle than you and I seem like I'm not gonna kill the living shuck out of her." Newt says. What is that suppose to mean! I'm gentle! Who the shuck does Newt think he is! "What the shuck is that suppose to mean!" "Minho, let Newt have a try. He might have a better chance." Alby says, breaking up the argument. If Alby wasn't in charge, I would have said no, but he is so I end up saying "Fine, but if you end up banging your head, I'm not gonna feel sorry." "Fair enough." I then watched him jogging into the forest.

Newt's POV

I can't say I'm not at least a little scared that I'm gonna get thrown around. Now, I'm gonna think smarter than Minho, and look above in the trees, and as I thought, I saw her. She looks so beautiful. "Hello there love." I shouted up. She looked at me terrified. "It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." She then slowly climbed down the tree. After a couple minuets, this beautiful darling stood in front of me.

Luna's POV

W-wow. This man is so dreamy. I stood right in front of him. "Hello there love, what's your name?" He asks. He is really cute, but how can I trust him? Other people tried to grab me and maybe kill me! "H-how can i trust you? The other guy, Minho was it, tried to grab me and do god knows what with me! And you expect me to trust you?" I shouted. I could tell he was taken a back by this. I was to. I didn't expect my voice to get that loud. Oh my god, what did I do?!?!? "Oh my, I-I'm so sorry!" I start to move away from him. "Oh no! It's ok love!" He said then putting his arm around my waist, stopping me from leaving. I could feel my face getting hot. "My name is Newt. And yours is?" "Luna." I say. "Well, Luna, how about you meet the others?" He proposes. Oh no. I start to panic and my heart beat increases. "What! No. They might try to kill me because of the stunt I did! Plus, I might've killed that guy! I don't know! I don't even now how I did that and-" he cut me off by hugging me. "It's ok love. I know those people, and if anything, I'll protect you." He said letting me go. "O-ok." His voice really calms me. We both then walked back to the center of the place.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I hoped you guys liked this chapter. You got a sneak peek of Luna's and Newt's relationship. I wonder what's gonna be everyone's reactions to Luna's "powers". How did she get them? You'll have to find out! 😁 if I made any mistakes, feel free to tell me! Toodles!

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