chapter 23

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before i could even sit down in the wooden chair, jack started asking me questions. i thought they would be about stuff like dating like they usually were, but this one was different.

"do you remember what we talked about yesterday?" of course i remembered. he started asking me about kissing, inquiring if i had ever kissed anybody and what it's like. i never forgot the stuff that me and jack talked about.

"yeah. you asked me about kissing." jack nodded.

"i want to kiss someone." i couldn't help but smile a tiny bit. he was so eager to do all this stuff that he had never had the chance to do. however, i had no idea how he would accomplish this one.

"that's great, but you need to find someone to kiss first." at that point he practically turned away from me, facing his head towards the other side of the room so that he couldn't see me.

"can that person be you?" the first emotion i felt after hearing that was pure confusion. i began assuming that he meant something else and that i was just interpreting him wrong. he couldn't have meant it in the way i hoped he did, right?

"what do you mean?"

"can it be you? can you be the person i kiss?" holy fuck, he does mean it in that way. what do i say? how do i respond? do i say yes or no, do i act happy about it or chill, what the hell do i do?

"uh...w-will it be dangerous?" i asked. it was the first thing that came to my mind. i internally swore at myself for saying something so dumb. i could have said something much smoother.

"i don't know..." his response raised a red flag. if he didn't know if it would be safe how the hell was i supposed to know?

"i'd be crossing the line as well.." i said, pointing at the line on the floor. jack followed my finger and then gazed back up at me with his baby blue orbs.

"i don't care. right now, it doesn't matter." i didn't know what else to say. i only really had one more question to ask.

"why me?" he grinned and began looking around the room.

"do you see anybody else around here?" that was a fair point. it upset me knowing that the only reason he wanted to kiss me was because i was the only person he thought he'd ever get the chance with. i knew at that point it wasn't because he genuinely liked me or had an interest in me, like i did with him. i sighed and nodded before making my way over to the line on the floor. i looked down at it before stepping over it, a feeling i wasn't all too familiar with.

eventually i was right next to jack. he was sitting on his bed staring up at me.

"sit." he stared, before patting the spot on the bed next to him. i did as he demanded and placed myself beside him. only once before had i been this close to him. and i was about to get even closer. the details on his face were so clear to me at that moment. he was even more beautiful up close. his hands were right next to mine. frail, weak, pale hands. ones that i could have held for years and not let go once.

our eyes met, and before i could stop myself i leaned in and our lips met too. the first thing that came to my mind?

this is different.

that kiss with him was so much different than any other time i had kissed somebody. so much different than my ex. this felt right. this sent pleasurable shocks through my entire body. it felt like it was meant to be, that his lips were made for my own. i couldn't believe that i was kissing him and i couldn't believe that this was his idea.

his lips were soft and cold, but not so cold it was unbearable to kiss him. he was so fragile and dainty. he was like a doll. our lips stayed connected for a few more seconds before he pulled away. he looked at me, shocked and bewildered. that was his first time kissing somebody, and that first time was with me. after a few seconds of looking unsure of what he had just done, he began to smile a little bit and he started blushing.

"so...what do you think?"

"that was nice." he said, smiling at me and trying to hide his rosy cheeks. i smiled back at him and he gave up trying to hide it. wow. jack had just kissed somebody for the first time in his entire life. and i had just kissed the most beautiful person i had ever met in my entire life.

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