chapter 36

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after nearly three whole weeks, jack's curtains were finally open. hallelujah! i thought it would never happen. i was so excited when i noticed, so eager to go inside and check on him and hug him and tell him how much i had missed him. i was ready to just run in there and smother him with affection. but when i entered his room that day, i was shushed before i could even begin to speak.

"sh. you have to be quiet." i was kind of offended that after three whole weeks, this was the first thing he had to say to me. not an 'i missed you' or a 'i'm sorry for worrying you'. i was about to ask him what was happening and why his curtains had been closed when he pointed to a piece of paper that was on his bed. i walked over and picked it up, immediately recognising the messy handwriting as jack's own. it was hard to read due to the scribbled style of it and his spelling, and i had to guess some of the words, but i got it eventually.

my parents hav herd me tawking to sumone and thay kept asking me about it. they think sumbody is visiting me. i told them that i hav an imajinery frend but thay didn't beleev me. i opend the certens back up becus thay havent brought it up laytlee. we just hav to be more careful and be more quiet.

i handed the paper back to him and asked as quietly as i could, "is this going to be permanent?" he shrugged his shoulders before speaking.

"i don't know. it shouldn't be." i nodded before walking over to him and sitting down next to him, grabbing his hand and putting it in my own. he smiled down at our interlocked fingers before looking back up at me, resting his head on my shoulder. i made sure i was deadly still so that i didn't move and cause him to hurt himself or something.

"i've missed you. i came here every day near enough to see you. i watched your window at night to see if you were that i say it out loud, that's pretty creepy..." i whispered. jack chuckled and shook his head slowly.

"kind of. but it's mostly sweet. i missed you a lot too. i did want to see you, but i just couldn't risk it. if i did, we'd both get in so much trouble." i shook my head, understanding the situation. it was hard doing all this sneaking around just to be with the person i was happy with. just to see him in person. it was insane really. it made me think about the future, and if we would still be doing all this sneaking around. i thought about if we would ever be together, like live together, stay together, be each other's company 24/7, instead of me having to sneak into his bedroom every day and him being locked away in his house like some top secret government experiment gone horribly wrong.

a/n; thought i'd finally update this shit after a whole ass month

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