Chapter 6

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P. O. V.

Ughh Shelby still hasn't texted me back yet! Come on it had been four days and she still hasn't moved on. It isn't my fault that Justin liked me now! She just wanted me to stop seeing him. But I couldn't he was just so sweet. Maybe if I could find her a boyfriend she wouldn't be as mad at me. Ofcourse we could never go on a double date or anything, but at least we could still be friends. Or, I could tell her broke up with him and start seeing him behind her back. Ughh what should I do?


P. O. V.

I decided I would go visit Harry at his new place. I just finished thinking that he hasn't had a girlfriend in a while so maybe I could mention it.

I walked up to the apartment door and knocked untill it opened. "Hey Harry! What's up?" I said." I heard a mumble but couldn't make out what he was saying so I walked into his bedroom and my jaw dropped.

His room was huge. There was a king sized bed right in the middle of the room and the rest was just indescribable. Suddenly he blurted out " What do you think?" "What do I think! It's amazayn!" I said half laughing. I realized this might be a good time to mention the whole girlfriend thing.

"Harry?" "Yeah?" he replied. "You haven't had a girlfriend since me and Eleanor have been together. I think..." I was cut of by Harry. "Yeah, about that I have someone in mind she's actually coming over soon do you mind?" he said. "Nah its cool see ya later alligator.


P. O. V.

I decided to go over to Harry's flat but first I needed something to eat for supper. Just then I got a text : Hey Shelby want to come over? Dusty is getting lonely :(.I replied with : k see you soon ;). Why did I have the feeling it wasn't Dusty who was lonely...

I knocked on the door and then I heard a faint mew. Dusty greeted me at the door along with a happy and handsome Harry. "Hey, you look great!" Omg I thought did I really just say that out loud? I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks.


Hey guys! Sorry that my chapters are really short and that I haven't been updating recently. I was really busy with school and soccer that I really didn't have time! I promise I will update more often now because soccer ends tommorow. :( anyways i'll quit rambling.

<3 Emma

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