chapter seventeen

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Shortly after Two left, Peter fell unconscious. The pain was exhausting, and his efforts to stay conscious were futile.

     And when he woke up, he wished he hadn't.

     He lifted his head with the little power he had, blinking away the blurry-ness. He grunted softly, tensing up his shoulders and then relaxing them in a vain attempt to stretch. He oriented his eyes to the bright room and sat there, an anxious feeling settling itself in his stomach.
     Or, maybe it was hunger.
     Whatever it was, it didn't seem to be good. He felt trapped. Alone.
He felt childish for wanting Mr Stark to come save him, but he was too scared to feed into his insecure thoughts. He just wanted to go home, wherever that was.
     And a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger.

     Peter didn't know how much time had passed until someone finally came into the room. It was Two, making Peter subconsciously cower into his chair when the man walked in with a flashy grin.
     "Okay, here's what we're going to do," He rolled up his sleeves, "The boss wants to see-"
     An alarm sounded, making both Two and Peter jump out of their skin. His heart was racing as he looked to Two, frightened. Two cursed, flinging the door open and racing out.
     Peter tried desperately to break his restraints, but even with the adrenaline, he couldn't break free. He'd already figured that they had temporarily stunted his abilities, but he couldn't just sit there. This could be an opportunity to get out.

But before he could plan his great Houdini escape, Two was back. Along with someone he didn't recognize.
They came in quickly, rushing over to him and shoving a bag onto his head so he couldn't see. That's when he really started to panic, violently thrashing in his seat, trying to get them away. He felt them untying his hands, and he tried to punch and jab at them when the rope was loose, but they just grabbed his wrist with a steel grip and retied it to his other hand. When his hands were tied together, they untied his feet and barked at him to stand. He did so, frightened and shaking. Were they taking him somewhere even worse? Where there was no escape?
He was dragged through the building, desperately trying to untie his hands while stumbling to not fall over. There was a large blast that blew through the wall to his right and he ducked, feeling the guards around him do the same. Now that the guards were, well, caught off guard, he blindly kicked at them, earning enough time to shake off the itchy sack on his head.
He quickly got an overview of the place. It was lit by overhead lights, and the walls were some sort of metal. It was hard to focus when so many things were going on. An alarm was blaring in his ear and he could hear fighting everywhere. He wasn't sure who was attacking, but he had no desire to stick around to find out. He fled from the guards, trying to navigate out of the grim place.

When he rounded a corner, he smacked into a guard and stumbled ubackwards, eyes wide. The guard shouted to his buddies and soon enough, Peter was outnumbered.
"Wait a minute guys! We can talk about this," he reasoned, gesturing for them to calm down with his hands. But they didn't move, and their guns were still aimed at Peter.
"Take him to One," one of the guards barked to the others. "Quickly!" He glanced over his shoulder and sure enough, there were guards circled all around him.
"How about we all just calm down," Peter tried again.
A guard behind him grabbed his shoulder and Peter spun around, kicking his kneecap. Though his abilities were impaired, he could still fight. Peter ducked as a punch was thrown towards him, and he swept his leg underneath two of the guards, making them fall onto their backs.
     He hastily stole a dagger and began sawing away at the ropes binding his hands together—all the while turning corner after corning trying to find his way out. He ripped his hands apart when the threads were barely holding together, and held the dagger in a way that he could defend himself against any guards that came his way.
Which, knowing his luck, he was bound to run into.
In fact, it seemed like every turn he took led him to a swarm of guards.

     Abruptly, a huge explosion blew through the wall and threw him against the opposite wall, groaning as the wall's metal debris hit him. He had hit his head pretty hard, and he sat slumped against the other wall. He knew he had to get out, but he felt absolutely horrible and all he wanted to do was go back to his bed and sleep.
     He heard people yelling and more guns being fired, but this time it was right in front of him. He staggered upright, trying to get away from the fighting. Every time he felt like he was going to topple over, he would stop and lean against a wall in attempt to regain himself. It wasn't easy, but he figured staying in this place would be worse than what he was feeling.

As he turned the corner, he realized too late that he'd just walked into the main fight. He stopped dead in his tracks.

"Mr Stark?"

author's note;

hiya :) hope you all enjoyed the chapter and had a good 2019!
⚠️ remember, please do not spam the comments because i won't be able to look through everyone's comments if you just spam numbers or letters <3

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