Callen's Daughter - NCIS LA

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I love writing hurt/comfort, don't I? 😁😅

Warning - this is gonna suck

G Callen was an ordinary man. He had a job, friends and life. But something else that goes with the word ordinary are kids. Callen didn't have any.
He had a sister and a nephew but that wasn't the same.
And he wasn't planning on a kid until one day, it all changed.

They were working on a hostage situation, and they needed to put someone inside so he could gather the informations about the positions and states of the enemies.
Why didn't I said she up there? Well, because Deeks doesn't want to put Kensi undercover. He's just a overprotective boyfriend, let's understand him.

"So, hostage situation is in the orphanage. We got around 50 to 100 kids in it, and plus some staff" Eric informs
"Who are the kidnappers and what do they want?" Callen asks
"They are, what we assume, terrorists that wants their leader out from jail"
"What leader?"
"Basama Liaonde" Nel said
"Okay, I'm getting in as a staff member" Callen says, and goes to suit up.

Callen gets close to the door and knocks on it. He gets greeted by a woman gently smiling at him but her eyes screaming in horror
"W-We are closed sir" she whispers and Callen shows her his badge so the man holding a gun behind her wouldn't see it
"I'm working here"
"Oh, I don't know you"
"I just got my job like a day ago. Can I come in?"
"Actually we-" woman gets interupted with a hit in the head and Callen gets pushed in for his sleeve violently to the room
"Get this guy a room. He's new, he doesn't know around" one of the kidnappers said
"What is this?!" Callen asks, surprised
"What's your name?"
"Well Stephen, better shut your mouth or imma spill that brain of yours all over the floor. Get him seperated, he's stinky"
"I'm not, I just had my bath!" Callen jokes and earns a kick to his chest, reacting Callen to fall in a coughing fit for a good 10 seconds. He was pushed to the room and got thrown in it - and behind him the door were locked.
"I'm in" he whispers to the comms
"Yeah we got that figured out" Sam said
"How is it?" Kensi asks
"Well they have 4 on the front door, in the main room are kids with all the staff. I think there is 100 people top. They have at least 6 guards on them, two on the door that goes to the rooms. I got slammed into one but I suggest there are more of them. They are heavy armed and dangerous. I saw a few bombs" he reports and then he hears a soft whimper. He jumps and shushes Sam who's talking on the comms
"I think somebody is here" he whispers
"Shit G, we're on our way" Sam already gets going when Callen stops him
"No, don't. It's a kid" he says
"Are you sure?" Deeks asks
"Yeah" he says and moves quietly to the cabinet under the desk. He slowly opens the door and reveals a little girl - no older than five, all battered and bruised and tear stained. When the door opened, she covered her weak and shaky body with her tiny hands and whispered
"Don't hurt me please"
Callen's heart breaks at the sight
"I guess it's 101 hostages now"
The girl peeks out in between her tiny fingers and she sees sky-blue eyes that didn't show evil but good. She saw smiling man who is holding his hand out for her
"I'm not going to hurt you. Come on, get out" Callen reassures her and slowly she is out of the cabinet. Callen helps her sit up and now, Callen has a better look at the girl. Her brown hair is short, just a bit longer than his own, her eyes glassy, chocolate brown color, her face stained with tears. She had a shirt and a pair of shorts. She had no shoes or socks. She was skinny and pale for her age. He saw some bruises on her arms. He sat in front of her, reacting her to flinch and scare a bit.
"Hey, I'm Callen" he smiles and hold up hand to do a handshake
"G you're on the undercover" Sam slaps his head, hearing his motion through the comms
"Don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure this girl knows to keep a secret. Right?" Callen asks, and gives girl a warm smile which she returns. She nod shortly, still a bit scared of every movement Callen makes. He moves closer to her and she starts breathing faster until she felt his hand rubbing her much smaller one, trying to calm her down
"Hey hey girl, look at me. My name is Callen and I'm on undercover"
"Y-You're a cop?"
"Did you come to get me?"
"No, I came to save you and your friends here"
He saw girl frown when he said 'your friends' and also a glimpse of happiness when he said that he won't get her
"But if someone finds us, my name is Stephen. Got it?"
She nods softly.
"How did you hide here? Do you know where are the others?"
"I-I heard screams and I hid. I-I'm scared" she whines softly
"It's okay girl. Everybody can be scared. Listen, I will make sure you are okay, right? You will be just fine. Okay?"
"O-Okay" she cries softly and Callen picks her up and hugs her. Something in it is clicking alarmly and he will not get out of this room before he makes sure she is okay and calm
"It's okay girl. I will protect you. I promise"
"Pinky promise?" she peeks out from his chest and Callen smiles, pointing his pinky out. They do a pinky shake and she is now a bit calmer than before which was a relief for Callen.
"Can I ask you where did you get those bruises?"
"What punishment?"
"Older kids here like picking on me"
"What does the staff do?"
"Nothing. They think I'm lying"
Callen sighs, feeling bad for the girl.

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