The Shopping Spree

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He takes you on a shopping spree

It’s time you had new gear.

He says he’ll buy you anything

As long as it’s not dear.

He offers you a credit card

Your chin falls on your knee

It’s only from his nephew’s game

‘Electronic Monopoly’!

You tell him, “Stop being stupid”

And ask him if he means this.

You cannot take him seriously

And question, did I dream this?

You find a shop you like the look of

Then you see a skirt.

He says out loud for all to hear

“That skirt looks like a shirt”!

You plonk the skirt back down again

And choose some skinny jeans.

He says out loud for all to hear

“Your legs will split the seams”!

Quite red faced, you grab a dress

And say you’re off to try it.

He says out loud for all to hear

“You’re cracked to think I’ll buy it”!

Blushing, flushing, what’s the difference?

In the cube you go

And why you date a man like him

You really do not know.

He sees a standing mannequin

And lives a childhood dream

Pulls its wig off, tries it on

Makes all the women scream.

Then he puts it back again

And shakes the dummy’s hand

Its arms come off, its legs collapse

It topples off its stand!

You’re stood there feeling sexy

And you ask him what he thinks

Much to your astonishment

He blushes then he winks.

“Hmm not bad, quite nice in fact

A tasty number, yes”

You see straight through his flattery

He doesn’t mean the dress.

The curtain cube beside you

Is not pulled all the way

Leaving quite an opening

For his spying eyes to sway.

The girl inside, she jumps in fright

To see your fella staring

And when she pulls the curtain closed

It starts your fella swearing.

You change the dress and when you have

You wobble at the knees

He stands and waves a pair of briefs

And all the precinct sees.

“These are what you bought before

It took you years to choose em’

And then they stretched until they snapped

And what a place to lose em”!

A woman gets her zip stuck

Your fella says he’ll help

He tugs the dress and nips her skin

The woman gives a yelp.

He pulls the zip towards him

and rips it to a tat

then walks off waving cheerfully

exclaiming she’s too fat!

You leave the shop immediately

Your fella tags along

You’re mad, you’re vexed, you’re so disgraced

He asks you, “what is wrong”?

Guys like him are tight and dim

And will push you to the limit

You cannot win, so just give in

Before he lands you in it!

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