The Nightclub King

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He takes you to a nightclub

He says he likes to dance

You’re not sure if you should do

But think you’ll take the chance

He takes his time to choose one

He says he has it planned

But really he must find one

From which he’s not been banned

He thinks you look quite stunning

You think he looks quite hot

You think you will enjoy this

The best date of the lot

The club he picks is swanky

But the entrance fee is steep

He asks you for a hanky

Then pretends to weep

‘I’ve lost my ruddy wallet,

With all my money in

Shall we just forget it love?’

Then shows his cutest grin

You’re really rather angry

But don’t kick up a stink

You give your hard earned cash to him

To go buy you a drink

You watch him head towards the bar

And chat up all the women

They pour their vodka’s down him

And he looks like he’s been swim’in

He comes back like a drowned rat

And downs three pints of beer

He only gets you orange juice

And says that wine’s too dear

He heads onto the dance floor

And says this way he’ll dry

He boogies as he joins the crowd

As if he’s ‘disco guy’

You think you’ll show some willing

And you take his hand and ‘groove’

But he pulls away as if to say

You’re in the way, so move

The ultraviolet lighting

Shines on his jeans and kickers

But also shows which girls in white

Are minus bra or knickers

He’s beaming like a Cheshire cat

The crafty little cad

But then he’s spotted leering

And one girl goes quite mad

She whacks him with her hand bag

And he falls down on the floor

You try to pull him up again

But he likes that angle more

You really wish you’d stayed at home

And done a bit of knitting

You’re in a nightmare, not a club

For him it is befitting

He starts to head towards the gents

But trips over a wire

He sets the dry ice floating

Then he shouts in panic ‘FIRE’!

All the women start to scream

As he pulls out all the plugs

Next you see him kick his legs

While perched between two thugs

Laying on the pavement

Is a guy whose neck you’ll wring

A silly fool who thinks he’s cool

And of the nightclubs, king!

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