A new home and a new life

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It was another normal day at home. Me getting praised for having such good control over my mana and my twin, Noelle, getting tormented because she had no control. Everyone would always compare us. She got our mother's mana while I got one that no one has had in the family before, fire and water. I hated how they treated Noelle. They even compared us which always put me above her. They wouldn't even let us be around each other.

It's the night before our birthday and I was also going to carry out the plan that I made. I'm going to run away. I grabbed a bunch of money and some plainclothes and snuck out through the window. But before I left I had a note for Noelle, ' Sorry sis, but I'm leaving. I can't handle how they treat you anymore, but don't worry. I'm sure we'll see each other in a few years. P.S. Please don't let anyone else see this note. -with love Neshiro

I slipped the note through her window and put it into her table by her bed. And with that, I left. I planned on going all the way out to the poorest region, by where the skeleton of the beast that the first wizard king killed. I also brought a broom so I could use it to get there quicker.

~time skip~

I finally made it to Hage village after a week of traveling. I explored the town for a while until a couple of kids around my age came up to me.

"Hey, you! Are you new around here?" A boy with light messy hair ran up to me with another black-haired shy-looking boy.

"Um, yeah. Could you tell me where the church is?" 

"We can show you! We were heading there anyway. My name is Asta and this is Yuno."

"It's nice to meet you two, I'm Neshiro."

"It's nice to meet you too, Neshiro! Follow us we'll show you where the church is."

I nodded and followed them back to the church.

"Sister Lilly! We have a guest!" Asta said that after he spotted a black haired girl wearing clothes that's for a sister of the church.

She came over and said, "Why hello there. Is there something that you need?"

"Yes, I was wondering if I could stay here. Because I ran away from home." I said very politely.

"I'll have to talk to Father first. Why don't you wait out here with Asta and Yuno?" She said before walking into the church.

"Whoa. I didn't expect you to want to stay here, Neshiro!" Asta said with a surprised look.

"Well, I don't have anywhere to stay. And you all seem nice." I said while scratching the back of my head.

Sister Lilly and a man who I presumed to be the Father came out. "Good news, Neshiro. You can stay here. Come on inside and we can get you settled in." 

"Yay! Thank you for letting me stay! See you later Asta and Yuno!" I said as I waved to them and headed inside with Sister and Father.

"Now, before we do anything else, how old are you?" Father asked crouching down to my level.

"I'm 10 years old."

"So you're the same age as Asta and Yuno. One more question where were you living before you came here?"

"I was living in the Noble's district..."

"Really? Why would you want to run away from there to the poorest place in the kingdom?"

"I hated how my family was always comparing me and my sister... They would always say how I was so much better than her at everything..." I said while looking at the ground.

"So, you wanted to lessen how bad they treated her..."

"Yeah, but I plan on becoming a Magic Knight and staying by her side!" I said with an excited smile that was filled with determination.

"Hahaha... Well, looks like we have a lot of kids looking to be Magic Knights here. Do you want to be the Wizard King too?"

"No. I already know that I'm not cut out for a leader's role. I'm too shy around big crowds..."

"Well, Asta is aiming to become the Wizard King. I'll show you around."

They showed me around and I already memorized where everything was since this place was small compared to where I lived before. Then I went outside to find Asta and Yuno. 

~time skip to 5 years later~

It was morning and the sun was just coming up. I carefully got out of bed so I wouldn't wake anyone up since I was the first one to wake up. 'how can I not wake up early? I'm getting my grimoire!' I went and brushed my hair and kept it down like usual. Then, I quietly went outside and breathed in the cool morning air. "Today's gonna be a great day! I can just feel it!" 

"Yeah! We're getting our grimoires!" Asta appeared out of nowhere and yelled.

"Morning, Asta!" I said with a bright smile.

"Morning, Neshiro! You're up early for once." 

"Oh shut it! I'm hyped for today. It means that we can go try out for the Magic Knights soon!"

"Yeah, I can't wait. Cuz I'm gonna be the Wizard King!"

"Then, in that case, I am going to be one of the captains of the Magic Knights."

"Definitely! Wanna go do some training?"

"Hell ya! I'm so hyper that I think I can beat you without using my magic!"

"You usually don't use your magic when you're going against me though... And you still win."

"Oh, yeah... Well, let's go! Last one there is a rotten pot potato!"

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